E5.5 Responsibility of applicant to show genuine intent and lawful purpose
See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 45, 46
See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matter) Regulations 2010 reg 10
- The fact that all the mandatory requirements for lodging an application for temporary entry or entry permission are met is not, in itself, a reason for an immigration officer to approve the application. Except as provided in E2.35, granting a temporary entry class visa or entry permission is discretionary (see ).
- Applicants lodging an application for temporary entry and entry permission must show that they genuinely intend a temporary stay in New Zealand for a lawful purpose.
E5.5.1 Evidence of genuine intent and lawful purpose
Evidence of genuine intent and lawful purpose submitted by the applicant may include but is not limited to the following:
- any information or submissions showing that the applicant has a legitimate need to spend time in New Zealand for a specific period; and
- any documents or submissions showing that the applicant meets the requirements of the immigration instructions relevant to the type of temporary entry class visa or entry permission applied for.
Effective 29/11/2010