A4.15 Acceptable standard of health (applicants for temporary entry class visas)
- Applicants for temporary entry class visas must have an acceptable standard of health, unless they have been granted a visitor visa for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment (see V3.40) or have been granted a medical waiver (see A4.65).
- Applicants for temporary entry class visas to New Zealand are considered to have an acceptable standard of health if they are:
- unlikely to be a danger to public health; and
- unlikely to impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand's health services during their period of intended stay in New Zealand; and
- (if they are under 21 years of age and are applying for a student visa) unlikely to qualify for Ongoing Resourcing Schemes (ORS) funding during their period of intended stay in New Zealand; and
- able to undertake the work or study on the basis of which they are applying for a visa, or which is a requirement for the grant of the visa.
A4.15.1 Assessment of whether an applicant for a temporary entry class visa is unlikely to impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand's health services
- Assessment of whether an applicant for a temporary entry class visa is likely to impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand's health services will take into account whether there is a relatively high probability that the applicant will need publicly funded health services during their period of stay in New Zealand including, but not limited to:
- The following factors have no bearing on whether an applicant is unlikely to impose significant costs or demands on health services:
- The ability of a person or organisation to pay for health services, pharmaceuticals, or residential care which may be required.
- The ability of an applicant to gain access to the private health system.
- The applicant’s possession of health insurance.
- The capacity of family, friends, or a charitable organisation to provide care for an applicant.
A4.15.2 Assessment of an applicant for a student visa who is likely to qualify for ORS funding
Where it has been determined that an applicant for a student visa may qualify for ORS funding during the period of intended stay in New Zealand, the following factors have no bearing on whether an applicant is unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand’s special education services:
- The ability of a person or organisation to pay for education services.
- The ability of a person to provide in-home education services.
A4.15.5 Requirement to refer Medical Certificates and Chest X-ray Certificates
If an immigration officer is not satisfied that an applicant for a temporary entry class visa has an acceptable standard of health, they may refer the matter to an Immigration New Zealand medical assessor for assessment (or Ministry of Education where appropriate).
Note: An immigration officer must not decline an application on the basis that an applicant does not have an acceptable standard of health, without first referring the applicant’s Medical Certificate and Chest X-ray Certificate to the Immigration New Zealand medical assessor or the Ministry of Education.
Effective 30/07/2012