F4.1 Summary of requirements
F4.1.1 Objective
The objective of the Parent Category is to support family connections, in order to:
- progress New Zealand Government economic and social objectives for immigration; and
- attract and retain skilled and productive migrants, while also limiting the costs of New Zealand Government benefits.
F4.1.5 Overview
- An application for a resident visa under the Parent Category is a two-stage process. People who intend to submit an application for a resident visa under the Parent Category must first submit an expression of interest (EOI) in the prescribed manner (see F4.5).
- Despite (a), applicants who were previously invited to apply and who had been approved in principle as of 12 December 2024 but cannot be granted a visa in the financial year ending 30 June 2025 (due to the applicable visa limit at the time of application), may be invited to apply again without the need to submit a new EOI.
- EOIs are entered into a Pool of EOIs and selection from the Pool may result in an invitation to apply for a resident visa under the Parent Category.
- EOIs may result in an invitation to apply for residence if claims made in the EOI concerning health, character, English language requirement, family relationship and sponsorship requirements are assessed as credible by an immigration officer.
- A residence application under the Parent Category will be approved if the requirements for health, character, English language, family relationships and sponsorship (including minimum income thresholds) are met (see F4.15).
- Applications for a resident visa must be in the prescribed manner and lodged within four months from the date of the invitation to apply letter (see F4.10.1).
F4.1.10 Annual limit to number of resident visas available under the Parent Category
- The number of resident visas that can be granted under the Parent Category is limited to 2,500 people for each year ending 30 June.
- Despite (a) above, up to a further 331 visas will be available to be granted for the financial year ending 30 June 2025, for those persons who were approved in principle before 12 December 2024.
- Until the Queued Pool of EOI is cleared, 2000 visas per year are allocated for the people with EOI s submitted in the Queued Pool, and from July 2023, 500 visas per year will be allocated to those whose EOIs are in the Ballot Pool (see F4.5.1).
Effective 06/02/2025