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Refugee settlement service contract review

In December 2022, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) undertook a review of contracted settlement services. This included 2 contract assurance reports and an independent external evaluation based on service users' experiences.

31 August 2023
1 minute read

We are committed to ensuring that refugees receive high-quality resettlement services from our contracted providers and believe that all refugees deserve a chance to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity with the support they need to do so.

The review was prompted by concerns raised by service users and community organisations about the services they received in some resettlement locations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Migrant Action Trust group was engaged to carry out independent interviews, surveys, and focus groups with service users to understand their experience of settlement support.

These focus groups were held in February and March 2023, in 9 of the 13 settlement locations, and covered a range of language and ethnic groups.

Immigration New Zealand has listened to feedback and is working with service providers to improve service delivery. We continue to work through the recommendations made during the contract assurance and the external evaluation.

Read the  independent external evaluation based on service users' experiences.

An evaluation of the settlement services provided to former refugees arriving via the Refugee Quota Programme PDF 1MB