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Update on RSE Scheme improvements and options for RSE workers after Cyclone Gabrielle

Update on Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme improvements and support for the scheme as part of the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery.

2 March 2023
3 minute read

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is making changes as part of a review of the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme to improve care for workers and efficiency across the seasonal employer sector.

We are also working with the Government to consider additional changes to support the scheme as part of the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery. 

Effects of Cyclone Gabrielle for RSE workers

There were around 690 RSE workers whose accommodation was affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. The majority of these workers were in Hawke’s Bay.

A number of RSE workers spent time in temporary accommodation in a community hub but suitable accommodation has been found for most of them.

The response to assist RSE workers affected by the cyclone involved multiple government agencies working with industry and local RSE employers, and Pacific liaison officers.

Local RSE employers, including those whose homes and businesses were severely affected by the flooding, have worked hard to look after their workers, many of whom they have worked with for some time.

The focus has been to ensure RSE workers were all accounted for, safe and being looked after, and that there was safe and approved accommodation for them.

We are working with our Pacific partners to help ensure RSE workers can continue to work in New Zealand if they wish to.

RSE workers will:

  • continue to receive a minimum of 30 hours per week at $22.10 per hour and,
  • be able to work in regions unaffected by the cyclone using the RSE limited visa.

Options for RSE workers in New Zealand

A worker on an RSE Limited Visa can work for another RSE employer in the same region for up to one month without needing to apply for another visa. Their original employer will need to agree to this and will still be responsible for them. 

Employers of RSE workers in New Zealand affected by the cyclone can apply for an RSE Limited Visa to make it easier for their workers to move to other locations or RSE employers.

With this visa they;

  • will not have to pay a fee
  • will not have to complete an application, and
  • in certain scenarios, the visa may be approved without their new employer having an agreement to recruit. 

The new visa will have the same expiry date as the original visa.

Changes to current RSE Scheme settings

From 1 March 2023: 

  • There will be a temporary freeze on accommodation cost increases. Deductions for accommodation must be equal to or less than the deductions employers previously submitted to INZ.
  • RSE employers involved in the recruitment or management of RSE workers must complete all Employment New Zealand employer e-modules at least once during each RSE status period.
  • INZ may contact employers at any point during the RSE period for proof that the employer e-modules have been completed. However we understand that it may take time to embed this requirement into their business.

RSE status applications

For RSE status applications received on and after 1 March 2023, INZ will consider the effects of Cyclone Gabrielle when assessing applications. For RSE employers this will include the requirement to complete the employer e-modules.

Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) settings

Applications for SSE work visas made on or before 31 December 2022 will be considered based on the requirements during COVID-19. Any application after this date must meet the standard requirements. 

Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) Work Visa | Immigration New Zealand