Immigration Control Areas at New Zealand airports
There are 7 Immigration Control Areas (ICAs) where we carry out immigration checks on people arriving in or leaving New Zealand by air.
Auckland International Airport
Land area
The ICA known as Auckland International Airport comprises 313.9000 hectares more or less being Allotment 470 Parish of Manurewa contained in certificate of Title Number 78D/198, 78D/202, 78D/194, 78D/206, 105D/359, 78D/193, 46643, 78D/201, 109D/595 in the North Auckland Land Registration District.
Controlling company
The ICA, Auckland International Airport, is under the control of Auckland International Airport Limited.
Waikato Regional Airport
The ICA is the airport operated by Waikato Regional Airport Ltd. at Airport Road, RD2, Hamilton.
Rotorua International Airport
The ICA is the airport operated by Rotorua International Airport Limited at State Highway 30, Rotorua.
Wellington International Airport
Land area
The ICA known as Wellington International Airport comprises all the land Certificates of Title 45A/73, 45A/74, 45A/75, 45A/76, 45A/77, 45A/78 and 45A/79 together with Pt Lot 1, Lots 8, 22, 24, 30, Pt Lot 39 DP 1950; Lot 16 DP 6741; Lot 1 DP 7024; Lots 13 DP 7159; Lots 3751, 66, DP 21360; Sect 170 CT 16A/1186 all in Evans Bay District together with Lot 4 DP 2094; Lots 59 DP 2385; Pt Lot 1, Pt Lot 2 DP 3166; Pt Lot 1 DP 3177; Lots 13, 57, 9 DP 5054; Pt Lot 20, Lots 2123 DP 5210; Lots 35, 36 DP 8272; Pt Lot 1, Lot 2 DP 78363; all in Watts Peninsular District together with Part Closed Road, Part Sewer Reserve and Part Harbour Reclamation being 104.12 hectares more or less in the Wellington Registry.
Controlling company
The ICA, Wellington International Airport, is under the control of Wellington International Airport Limited.
Christchurch International Airport
Land area
The ICA known as Christchurch International Airport comprises all that land within the existing Airport Zone Boundary as at 03 November 1995 and permitted for use as an aerodrome with the Canterbury Regional Plan, the Paparua Section of the Christchurch Transitional District Plan and the Christchurch City Plan publicly notified June 24, 1995.
Full Particulars of all parcels of land that constitute Christchurch International Airport and its immediate environs are in detailed plan D4659 held by the Design Services Unit of Christchurch City Council.
Controlling company
The ICA, Christchurch International Airport, is under the control of Christchurch International Airport Ltd.
Queenstown Airport
The ICA is the airport operated by Queenstown Airport Cooperation Limited at Sir Henry Wigley Drive, Frankton, Queenstown.
Dunedin Airport
The ICA is the airport operated by Dunedin Airport Limited at 25 Miller Road, Momona, Dunedin.