NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) training material
Download training material for airline staff about the NZeTA.
Who the training is for
This training material is for airline:
- managers
- check-in supervisors
- check-in staff
- other frontline teams.
What is in the training material
This material covers:
- what the NZeTA is and who needs one
- the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL)
- how check-in staff can identify problems or escalate them to Immigration New Zealand
- passengers who are transiting New Zealand.
You can download the material in 2 versions:
- to be used by an instructor in a classroom, and
- for self-directed learning.
Instructor-led learning guides
NZeTA Training for Airline Facilitator Guide PDF 2MB
Self-directed learning guides
NZeTA Guide for Airlines PDF 2MB
[Music plays with white background and NZeTA logo in top right hand corner].
[Hand draws the words: “Scenario 1”, with a black marker pen on the background].
[Hand draws the words: “Positive Board Response”, with a black marker pen on the background and then draws a large green tick].
Narrator: Kia Ora. Your traveller checks in, their passport is scanned and the APP response is positive.
[Hand draws a picture of a figure at a check in desk and travel documents with a black marker pen].
Narrator: The response will be 8501 Okay to board
[Hand draws a box with the words 8501 OK to BRD with a black marker pen].
Narrator: or the conditional response 8519 BRD with an Outward ticket.
[Hand draws a box with the words 8519 BRD with OWT with a black marker pen].
Narrator: Your system may translate these responses further however, the responses and processes you follow are the same as today.
[Screen shows boxes drawn earlier with 8501 OK to BRD and 8519 BRD with OWT and hand draws a green tick next to each box].
Narrator: A positive board response means the traveller has either got an NZeTA, a visa, or is an Australian or NZ citizen.
[NZeTA logo appears on screen. Hand draws a document with the word “Visa” on it with a black marker pen and a green map of New Zealand appears].
Narrator: This is great news as your passenger can now board the plane!
[Hand draws a picture of an airport with a plane taking off into clouds].
[Hand draws the NZeTA logo. Music fades].
[Music plays with white background and NZeTA logo in top right hand corner].
[Hand draws the words: “Scenario 2”, with a black marker pen on the background].
[Hand draws the words: “Negative Board Response”, with a black marker pen on the background and then draws a large circle with a diagonal line through it].
Narrator: Kia Ora. In this scenario, your traveller checks in, their passport is scanned and the APP board response is negative.
[Hand draws a picture of a figure at a check in desk and travel documents with a black marker pen].
Narrator: Depending on how APP is configured for your airline, the response will be either 8525 Do Not Board NO ETA found.
[Hand draws a box with the words 8525 DNB – NO ETA with a black marker pen].
Narrator: or 8520 Do Not Board Contact Immigration New Zealand.
[First box zooms out and hand draws a second box with the words 8520 DNB Contact INZ with a black marker pen].
Narrator: 8525 is a new code, which is available to help airlines troubleshoot NZeTA specific issues at check in.
[Hand draws a green star burst with the words New Code! in it].
Narrator: If your systems are not ready to receive the new code, you will receive the 8520 code.
[First box 8520 DNB Contact INZ zooms in and hand draws a black and green arrow pointing towards the box with a marker pen].
Narrator: There are several reasons a visa-waiver traveller may receive a negative boarding response.
[Hand draws a large circle with a diagonal line through it with a black marker pen].
Narrator: so you’ll need to follow a few simple troubleshooting steps.
[Large circle with a diagonal line zooms out and hand draws a large circle with a question mark in it with a black marker pen].
Narrator: Once you have determined that they are a visa-waiver traveller you will need to ask if they have an NZeTA?
[Hand draws the NZeTA logo then draws a green arrow that splits in two pointing away from the logo to the right with a marker pen].
Narrator: If NO, then advise the traveller to request an NZeTA immediately.
[Logo and double arrow zooms out and the hand draws the word NO? with a black marker pen].
Narrator: There is a flyer available to give to travellers which explains how they can request one.
[Hand draws a green document with a marker pen].
Narrator: and airlines can access this from the NZeTA Communications Toolkit page found at
[Hand draws the words with a black marker pen].
Narrator: Requesting an NZeTA is a simple process. The traveller only needs their passport, a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card, an email address, a connected device on which to apply, and to answer a few questions.
[Hand draws the NZeTA logo, then draws a picture of travel documents, a picture of the Visa and MasterCard logos, the @ symbol to represent an email address, and a picture of a mobile phone and the WiFi symbol with a marker pen].
Narrator: Once the traveller has requested their NZeTA and received notification via email or the app that the NZeTA has been issued,
[Hand draws the @ symbol inside an envelope to represent receiving an email].
Narrator: you can repeat the check in process. Even if they haven’t yet received the notification it’s working checking in anyway…
[Hand draws a picture of a figure at a check in desk].
Narrator: as most travellers are likely receive an OK to Board response at this point…
[Hand draws a box with the words 8501 OK TO BOARD, and a second box with the words 8519 OK TO BRD WITH OWT]
Narrator: which means they can board the plane and be on their way.
[Hand draws a picture of an airport with a plane taking off].
Narrator: If however, the traveller is still receiving a Do Not Board response,
[Hand draws a large circle with a diagonal line through it with a black marker pen].
Narrator: the Immigration Border Operations team (IBO) will need to be contacted to provide assistance.
[Hand draws a picture of a telephone with a marker pen].
Narrator: If your traveller said YES to having an NZeTA,
[Screen jumps back to NZeTA logo with the split green arrow with one arrowhead pointing to the word NO? and hand draws the word YES? With a black marker pen].
Narrator: you will need to troubleshoot further to establish why the traveller received a negative boarding response.
[Screen zooms in on arrow pointing to YES? and hand draws circle with a diagonal line through it].
Narrator: Reasons could include:
[Hand draws a monitor screen with a black marker pen]
Narrator: Their NZeTA is on another passport for example if they have dual nationality, or they may have renewed their passport since requesting the NZeTA
[Hand draws a bullet point on the monitor screen and the words NZeTA ON ANOTHER PASSPORT with a black marker pen]
Narrator: There could be a data entry error for example their name has been inputted incorrectly
[Hand draws a second bullet point on the monitor screen and the words DATA ENTRY ERROR with a black marker pen]
Narrator: There may be a mismatch between the NZeTA requested and the travel conditions for example the traveller may have indicated that they are transiting through NZ and they are not, or the traveller may have indicated they are an Australian Permanent Resident and they are not.
[Hand draws a third bullet point on the monitor screen and the words MISMATCH BETWEEN NZeTA AND TRAVEL CONDITIONS with a black marker pen]
Narrator: The traveller may have been refused an NZeTA
[Hand draws a fourth bullet point on the monitor screen and the words REFUSED NZeTA with a black marker pen]
Narrator: Or the traveller may be trying to enter New Zealand with fraudulent documents
[Hand draws a fifth bullet point on the monitor screen and the words FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS with a black marker pen]
Narrator: In these cases, you will need to contact IBO.
[Monitor disappears and hands draws a picture of a telephone with a marker pen]
Narrator: The more information you can provide to IBO (such as an NZeTA request number if the traveller has one), the faster they will be able to assist the traveller.
[Telephone moves to the left of the screen and hand draws a green circle with a white i in it to symbolise information].
Narrator: Travellers may have their NZeTA request number in an email or they may have printed it out. Just as today, IBO will provide assistance and you’ll need to follow their instructions.
[Hand draws a picture of a mobile phone next to the information symbol and writes the text E12345 on the mobile phone screen with a black marker pen].
Narrator: So let’s recap.
[Hand draws the word RECAP with a black marker pen]
Narrator: In some scenarios, you may need to call for assistance however, the majority of passengers who arrive at check in and receive a Do Not Board response just need to simply request an NZeTA using the mobile App.
[Hand draws a picture of a figure at a check in desk, then writes the words REQUEST AN NZeTA, then draws a picture of a mobile phone].
Narrator: By working together, this ensures passengers can board as smoothly as possible and soon be on their way to NZ.
[Hand draws a picture of an airport with a plane taking off].
[Hand draws the NZeTA logo. Music fades].