Contact us

Find out how to contact us.

Before calling us

Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) changes

The Accredited Employer Work Visa requirements are changing in 2025. Changes include removing the median wage requirement, reducing work experience requirements and redesigning the Job Check stage.

For more information about the announcement, including a list of key changes:
Reforms to the Accredited Employer Work Visa announced

If you do call us you may experience wait times that are longer than normal.

Missing verification email

If you have requested an Immigration Online verification email and have not received one, you should check your junk folder or contact your email service provider. 

Fees, decision times and where to apply

Find out where to lodge an application, send a passport, how long it will take to receive an answer and how much it is going to cost.

Fees, decision times and where to apply

Some Visa Application Centres (VACs) outside of New Zealand are temporarily closed.

Offices outside of New Zealand

Check your visa application or NZeTA status

Find out how long it takes to process a visa application or NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority):

How long it takes to process an application

If the Immigration Officer who is processing your application needs more information from you, they will contact you. You do not need to contact us.

If you applied online, you can check the status of your application:

Checking your application status

Check your NZeTA status

Search the website

Search our website

Apply for a refund

Refunds are only given in special circumstances.

How to request a refund

If you do not leave New Zealand before your visa expires

You are not allowed to stay after your visa expires. Find out how to avoid being unlawfully in New Zealand and what you can do if you are, including how to make a request for a special temporary or resident visa under Section 61 of the Immigration Act.

If you do not leave New Zealand before your visa expires

Where to submit additional documents for your application

Find out how to provide further documents for an application that is currently in process.

How to upload documents online

Postal addresses for sending paper documents

Immigration New Zealand phone numbers

You can call us from 06:00 to 22:00 Monday to Friday (NZT) excluding New Zealand public holidays.

You may have a shorter wait time if you call us on a Wednesday or Thursday morning (NZT).

Calling about your application

If you are calling about a visa application, we need either your INZ client, application or passport number.

Typically you will have less wait time if you call us on Wednesday or Thursday mornings (NZT).

If you are calling about a Job Check application, you must be either:

Save time with Voice ID

When you call, sign up for our voice identification (Voice ID) service using your INZ client number. The service saves time when you call again and protects your privacy.

Where Number
Customer Service Centre (Toll-free from NZ landlines only): 0508 558 855
Auckland: +64 9 914 4100
Wellington: +64 4 910 9915
Rest of the world: +64 9 914 4100

If you do not speak English

If you do not speak English, we can provide information in your language.

Call us, and when you connect with an operator, say the language you speak. Stay on the line and we will get an interpreter to join the call. Do not end the call while you are being connected.

English is not your first language translations


You can contact NZ Relay if our phone line is not accessible for you. NZ Relay helps people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, speech-impaired and deafblind to connect with businesses, friends and whānau over the phone.

How to make a complaint

We have different processes for making a complaint or providing other feedback, depending on what it is about.

Our complaints processes

Other contact details

Report migrant exploitation

Migrant workers have the same minimum employment rights as New Zealand workers. You can report migrant exploitation to Employment New Zealand if you or someone you know is being exploited in the workplace. If you do not speak English, interpreters are available for over 180 different languages.

Report migrant exploitation — Employment New Zealand

If you are in immediate physical danger, call 111 and ask for Police.

If you think you are being exploited, support is available.

Migrant exploitation

Report an offence

You can report any immigration offence to us or go to Crimestoppers. For example, overstaying or someone working illegally.

Report an offence

Official Information Act

You are able to make a request for Official Information through the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website.

Before making an Official Information Act request check if the information you need is already publicly available.

Make a request for official information

Media query

Immigration New Zealand media queries should be sent to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) media line.

Making a media query

Contact other New Zealand government agencies

For information on all New Zealand Government organisations and departments, you may visit New Zealand Government Online. This site provides links and information for all government, local government, crown agencies, health and education institutions.

List of New Zealand government agencies

Find immigration advice

If you need personalised immigration advice, you must use a licensed Immigration Adviser or a person exempt from licensing.

Find out how and where to get immigration advice