RSE Scheme requirements for employers

Check the requirements for being an employer in the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme.


Improvements were made to the RSE scheme on 2 September 2024. Learn more about what these changes mean for RSE employers and workers.

RSE changes from 2 September 2024

You need to meet RSE requirements and keep to those requirements for the whole time you are in the RSE Scheme.

The requirements are set out in the applications forms for:

  • RSE status, which you need as an employer in the RSE Scheme
  • an Agreement to Recruit (ATR), which is how you start the recruitment process.

RSE status application requirements

When you complete and sign your RSE status application you must:

  • provide evidence
  • agree to a list of requirements. 

Evidence required for RSE status

When you apply for RSE status you support your application with evidence about your business.
Employer evidence required for RSE status

RSE status requirements

When you sign your RSE status application you agree to a list of requirements.
RSE status requirements for employers

Agreement to Recruit (ATR) requirements

When you complete and sign your ATR application you must:

  • provide evidence
  • agree to meet a list of requirements. 

ATR evidence

When you apply for an ATR you need to send supporting evidence, such as a copy of the employment agreement or details of any worker deductions.
Employer evidence required for an ATR

ATR requirements

Signing your ATR application form means you agree to meet a list of requirements.
ATR requirements for employers

Rights and responsibilities for employees and employers

Refer to the Employment New Zealand website for employee and employer rights and responsibilities.
Employment New Zealand