Student visa holders
Many students can work part time while they study and work full time during breaks. Find out how to check if they can legally work for you.
Check if a student can work for you
It is your responsibility to check that a student can work for you and for how long.
The quickest and most reliable way to find out is to use our online tool, VisaView. It is where we hold searchable information about the work rights of every international student in New Zealand.
You need a RealMe login to use VisaView.
Log in to VisaView with RealMe
When a student applies for a job
Ask the international student for their passport and their eVisa approval letter. Check the expiry date of their visa. They can only work for you if their visa is current. You can make a copy of their visa for your records.
There is information in their eVisa letter about their entitlement to work. The information will match the information in VisaView.
Hours students can work
Many tertiary students can work up to 20 hours a week while they are studying and full time during the holidays.
Working after study
After a student has completed their studies they may be able to work in New Zealand if they can get a work visa.
The most common type is a Post Study Work Visa. The length of their work visa will depend on the duration and level of their study in New Zealand. Students with a degree level 7 or above qualification may be eligible for a Post Study work visa that allows them to work for any employer, except for employers who provide commercial sexual services. Someone with a non-degree level 7 or below qualification will need to work in an occupation related to their study. Their qualification must also be on the Qualifications Eligible for a Post Study Work Visa list.
Qualifications Eligible for a Post Study Work Visa
Students or applied for their Student Visa on or before 11 May 2022 may be eligible for a Post Study work visa that allows them to work for any employer, except for employers who provide commercial sexual services. They must also have an acceptable qualification.
Acceptable qualifications for a Post Study Work Visa before (pre 12 May 2022)
If a student is already working for you
If you want a student to keep working for you after their student visa expires or they complete their studies, they must have another valid work visa, such as a Post-study work visa.
Further information
Our information sheet provides help if you are planning to hire graduates and students. Job applicants may provide this guide to you with their CV.
Information for employers on hiring international student graduates PDF 260KB
Being a good employer
All workers in New Zealand — citizens and migrants — have the same rights.