Hiring migrant workers often or in high volumes
If you hire overseas workers frequently or have many jobs to fill, there are several options for making the process more efficient.
Employer Accreditation for AEWV
You can get accreditation to use the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) to hire migrants on visas for up to 5 years.
Employer Accreditation for AEWV
Employer options and information for the entertainment industry.
Arts and Music Festival Approval
We work with arts and music festival organisers to simplify the visa application process. Performers and direct support staff participating in an ‘approved’ arts or music festival can come to New Zealand as visitors.
Entertainment Industry Accreditation
You could consider applying for Entertainment Industry Accreditation if you have a need to recruit multiple entertainment industry workers from overseas.
Entertainment industry bodies
If you offer a job in the New Zealand entertainment industry to an overseas worker, we may consult with a New Zealand entertainment industry body to check they support that person's work visa application.
Entertainment Promoters Approval
We work with entertainment promoters to simplify the visa application process. Performers and direct support staff of short-term live entertainment acts promoted by an ‘approved promoter’ can enter New Zealand as visitors.
Employer option and information for the fishing industry.
Foreign Crew on Fishing Vessels - Approval in Principle
Employers can apply for an Approval in Principle to recruit 7 or more foreign crew for work on a fishing vessel. Approvals in Principle will only be approved if there are not enough New Zealanders available to do the work.
Foreign Crew on Fishing Vessels - Approval in Principle
Horitculture, agriculture and viticulture
Employer options and information for the horticulture, agriculture and viticulture industry.
Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme
Horticulture or viticulture employers can employ overseas workers through the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme.
Providing accommodation for RSE workers
From the 2019/20 season, the Government has introduced changes in some regions of New Zealand to the type of accommodation you can offer your workers.
Recognised Seasonal Employer list
Find employers who have approval to recruit workers from overseas under the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme.
Supplementary Seasonal Employment – Approval in Principle
You may wish to consider applying for a Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) Approval in Principle, if you need to supplement your New Zealand workforce with overseas workers to manage seasonal labour demands.
Supplementary Seasonal Employer list
Find employers who can recruit temporary visa holders under the Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) Scheme.
Employer options if you want to hire someone from some countries in the Pacific for a permanent, full-time job or the Work Exchange Scheme approval if you wish to arrange short-term work opportunities in New Zealand and overseas as part of a reciprocal arrangement.
Pacific Quotas Programme
Each year approximately 1,750 people from the Pacific are granted residence under the Samoan Quota Scheme and Pacific Access Category (PAC).
Work Exchange Scheme
You can consider applying for Work Exchange Scheme approval if you wish to arrange short-term work opportunities in New Zealand and overseas as part of a reciprocal arrangement.