Paying for AEWV employer accreditation and job checks
Find out what it costs to apply for employer accreditation to employ migrants on an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and get a job check or renew your accreditation.
Before you can ask a migrant to apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), you must apply for employer accreditation, advertise the job if you need to, and apply for a job check.
The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) requirements are changing in 2025. Changes include removing the median wage requirement, reducing work experience requirements and redesigning the job check stage.
For more information about the announcement, including a list of key changes:
Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage
The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is designed to ensure New Zealanders are first in line for jobs and makes it easier for employers who are accredited to hire skilled migrants where genuine skill or labour shortages exist.
Businesses that want to employ people who have or are applying for the following visas must also be accredited: Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, Work to Residence Visa, Transport Work to Residence Visa, Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa or Straight to Residence Visa.
You can apply for 1 of 3 different types of accreditation depending on your business and how many migrants you want to hire:
Check if you can apply for AEWV employer accreditation and what type
Before you apply you need to ensure:
Applying for AEWV employer accreditation: process steps
You will pay a fee when you apply for employer accreditation.
Paying for AEWV employer accreditation and job checks
We email you when we have processed your application.
If your AEWV employer accreditation or job check application is declined
If your application is approved, before you can apply for a job check (step 3) you may need to:
Advertising the job before you apply for a job check
Engaging with Work and Income before you apply for a job check
Once your accreditation is approved, you can submit an application for a job check. The job check application can include multiple positions for the same job, pay, location and minimum requirements.
If you advertised the job, you have to apply for a job check within 90 days of your job advertisement closing.
Job checks are valid for 6 months or until you no longer have accreditation.
Applying for a job check: process steps
Before you apply for a job check, you must check if there are suitable and available New Zealanders to do the job. To be suitable and available they must:
You must make genuine attempts to attract and recruit New Zealand workers. When you apply for a job check, we make sure you advertised the job, unless you are exempt.
You will pay a fee for each job check you apply for.
Paying for AEWV employer accreditation and job checks
We email you when we have processed your application.
Check our wait times page to find up to date information on how long we are taking to process applications.
Work visa and employer accreditation wait times
If your AEWV employer accreditation or job check application is declined
Once the job check is approved, you can:
Check if a migrant is suitably qualified for an AEWV
Recruiting and supporting a migrant worker to apply for an AEWV: process steps
You must:
Accredited employer requirements to help AEWV workers settle in New Zealand
Meeting your AEWV accredited employer obligations
Your initial accreditation lasts for 12 months before you need to renew it.
If your circumstances change, you can apply to change your accreditation type at any time, for example if you need to upgrade from standard to high-volume accreditation.
If you have already applied to renew your accreditation, and you need to change your accreditation type, you can withdraw your application if we have not made a decision yet.
Renewing your AEWV employer accreditation
If we suspend or revoke your employer accreditation:
If you are placed on the Employer or Immigration stand-down lists, we try to contact any affected AEWV workers if we have their current contact information.
Employers on stand-down — Employment New Zealand
Immigration stand-down list
If you have been given interim employer accreditation but then withdraw your renewal application, you will keep your interim accreditation until it expires.
Our employer helpline is open between 08:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday.
Freephone from New Zealand landlines: 0508 967 569
Find out what it costs to apply for employer accreditation to employ migrants on an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and get a job check or renew your accreditation.
If we decline your Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) employer accreditation or job check application, you may be able to submit a new application or request a reconsideration.