If things change for AEWV accredited employers
You must tell us if an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) worker stops working for you, if key people in your organisation change, or your business is going through a restructure, liquidation or bankruptcy.
How to tell us about a change
The process to tell us if something has changed depends on whether:
- an AEWV worker stops working for you
- the key people in your organisation change
- your business is going through a restructure, liquidation or bankruptcy.
If an AEWV worker stops working for you
You need to tell us if an AEWV worker has stopped working for you, in order to meet the requirements for accredited employers.
If your accreditation was approved, renewed or upgraded on or after 7 April 2024
You must tell us within 10 working days if an AEWV worker has stopped working for you. If you do not tell us that an AEWV worker has stopped working for you, you will not be meeting your accreditation requirements. Depending on the circumstances, we may suspend or revoke your accreditation.
If the AEWV worker has less than 1 month remaining on their AEWV you do not need to tell us that they have stopped working for you.
If your current accreditation was approved or renewed before 7 April 2024
You can let us know but it is not a requirement. You will need to meet this requirement in the future if you apply for, renew or upgrade your accreditation.
How to tell us an AEWV worker has stopped working for you
1. Log in to Immigration Online using RealMe®.
2. Go to the 'Employ migrants' tab.
3. Go to the 'My granted accreditations' section. Find the organisation the migrant worked for and choose the arrow in the 'Options' column.
4. In the Options drop-down list, choose 'View accreditation'.
5. You should now see a screen with your accreditation details. On this page, go to the 'Migrant workers with visas' section.
6. Find the AEWV worker who has stopped working for you and choose the arrow in the 'Options' column.
7. In the Options drop-down list, choose 'Notify INZ that employment has ended'.
8. Complete the required sections of the form and as many optional fields as you can.
9. Submit the form. We will be notified that the AEWV worker has stopped working for you.
10. Contact us if the AEWV worker is not showing on your dashboard.
If your key people change
You must tell us within 10 working days if key people in your organisation change. If you do not let us know, you will not be meeting your accreditation requirements, and your accreditation may be revoked or suspended.
Call our employer helpline if your situation changes or if you are unable to meet the requirements for accredited employers.
If your business is going through a restructure, liquidation or bankruptcy
Contact us as early as possible if there are changes in your business’ circumstances or operations, for example:
- a restructure
- redundancies
- bankruptcy, or
- liquidation.
If you plan to change an AEWV worker’s job in a restructure, then they may need to apply for a Job Change (Variation of Conditions).
Employers may receive an infringement notice and the AEWV worker may face deportation if they work in a different job. If an AEWV worker loses their job, this may affect their work visa.
Changing the conditions of a work visa or applying for a Job Change
Immigration law for employers
AEWV workers affected by a restructure, redundancy, bankruptcy or liquidation should contact our Customer Service Centre to discuss their options.
Company receivership and liquidation
If the job location or details change
You may need to apply for another job check if the details of the job change significantly after your first job check application is approved and before you send the token to a migrant. For example, if the location of the job changes or the worker gets a promotion and their occupation changes.
The AEWV worker must apply to change their visa conditions to the new location or job. This is called a Job Change. They will need a new job check number to complete their application.
You do not need to apply for a job check for changes like pay increases.
Changing the conditions of a work visa or applying for a Job Change
Help for employers
Our employer helpline is open between 08:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday.
Freephone from New Zealand landlines: 0508 967 569