Tell us if a migrant stops working for you

Check if you need to tell us if a migrant employee with an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) has stopped working for you.

Your employer requirements

From 7 April 2024, accredited employers must tell us if a migrant worker with an AEWV has stopped working for them.

Check the following dates that applies to your situation and if you need to contact us.

If your accreditation was approved, renewed, or upgraded on or after 7 April 2024

You must tell us within 10 working days if a migrant worker with an AEWV has stopped working for you. If you do not tell us that a migrant with an AEWV has stopped working for you, you will not be meeting your requirements. We may decide to suspend or revoke your accreditation.

If the migrant worker has less than 1 month remaining on their AEWV you do not need to tell us that they have stopped working for you.

If your current accreditation was approved or renewed before 7 April 2024

You can let us know but it is not a requirement. You will need to meet this requirement in the future if you apply for, renew or upgrade your accreditation.

How to tell us a migrant with an AEWV has stopped working for you

You can tell us a migrant with an AEWV has stopped working for you by logging in to your Immigration Online account.

1. Log in to Immigration Online.

RealMe login button

2. Select the "Employ migrants" option on the dashboard.

The Immigration Online dashboard. The "Employ Migrants" button underneath the "Manage accreditations and Job Checks" heading is highlighted.

3. Scroll down to the “My granted accreditations” section of the page. Find the Organisation that the migrant was employed under and select the arrow in the “options” column.

The "My granted accreditations" section. The arrow in the "options" column of the table is highlighted.

4. Select “View accreditation” from the drop-down menu that appears.

The "View accreditation" option from the drop-down menu is highlighted

5. You should now see a screen with your accreditation details. On this page, scroll to the “Migrant workers with visas” section.

The “Migrant workers with visas” section of the accreditation details page.

6. Find the migrant who has stopped working for you and select the arrow in the “Options” column.

The arrow in the "options" column is highlighted, within the "Migrant workers with visas" section.

7. Select “Notify INZ that employment has ended” from the drop-down menu that appears.

The "Notify INZ that employment has ended" option is highlighted within the drop-down menu.

8. Complete the required sections of the form and as many optional fields as you can.

The "Notify INZ that employment has ended" form is displayed.

9. Select “Submit”. We will be notified that the migrant has stopped working for you.