Reusing or resending job tokens and transferring AEWV workers
Find out if you can support your Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) worker to apply for another AEWV, resend an unused job token to another migrant, or transfer an AEWV worker due to business sale or restructure.
Reusing or resending a job token
A job token is a unique number, also known as a 'unique link' because it is the link you send to a migrant to apply for an AEWV.
You may want to reuse a job token if you have a migrant whose AEWV is ending, and you want to continue to employ them in the same job.
If the migrant you want to offer a job token to can no longer accept it, you may be able to resend the unused job token to another suitable migrant instead.
Reusing a job token
You can reuse a job token to continue to employ your AEWV worker in the same job if their visa is ending and they have not reached the total amount of time they can stay in New Zealand on an AEWV (called their maximum continuous stay).
For example, if your employee has a 2-year AEWV and the total time they can spend in New Zealand is 3 years, you can support them to apply for another AEWV for 1 year.
How long you can stay on an AEWV
To reuse a job token to support an AEWV worker to apply for another AEWV, you must continue to employ them:
- in the same job
- in the same location, and
- for the same pay or more than the pay conditions on their current AEWV.
To reuse their same job token, your worker must also have applied for their current AEWV (or their Job Change) on or before 9 March 2025.
Who cannot reuse a job token
You cannot reuse a job token if your worker applied for their current AEWV on or after 10 March 2025.
If your worker applied for their current AEWV on or before 9 March 2025, you cannot reuse a job token if:
- they were paid less than NZD $29.66 an hour when they got their AEWV, and
- their AEWV was for one of the following jobs:
- Meat process worker
- Seafood process worker
- Snowsport instructor
- Mountain or glacier guide
- Snow groomer
- Outdoor adventure instructor
- Outdoor adventure guides nec
- Whitewater rafting guide
- Parachute rigger
- Ski technician
- Snow maker.
If your worker applied for their current AEWV (or their Job Change) on or after 10 March 2025, you can still support them for another AEWV, but they cannot use their most recently used job token, and so you will have to apply for a new job token (through a job check application) or provide them with an unused job token.
Workers must meet AEWV requirements
Your AEWV worker must also meet the AEWV requirements.
If your AEWV worker does not meet the visa requirements and their application is declined, they will not be able to get a refund of their visa application fee. Make sure that you and your AEWV worker understand the requirements before reusing a job token.
How an AEWV worker can apply for another AEWV
If you can reuse a job token, you can send your AEWV worker a request to apply for a further AEWV to stay for the rest of their total time (maximum continuous stay).
1. Log into Immigration Online using RealMe®.
2. Go to the 'Employ migrants' tab or choose the 'Employ migrants' button.
3. Go to the 'My accredited organisations' section and find the organisation in the list.
4. In the Options drop-down list, choose 'View accreditation' to open the 'Employer accreditation certificate' page.
5. Find the AEWV worker on the list of 'Migrant workers with visas'.
6. In the Options drop-down list for the AEWV worker, choose 'Send request'.
7. Complete and submit the form 'Send request to apply for a further AEWV'.
8. The AEWV worker receives an email and can apply for another AEWV if they meet the requirements.
Job tokens may not display for some AEWV workers who have been given a Job Change or other specific situations.
If an AEWV worker's job token does not display, you must apply for a new job check and job token.
Resending a job token
If the migrant you want to offer a job token to can no longer accept it, you may be able to resend the job token to another migrant instead.
You can only resend a job token to another migrant if:
- the job token has not already been used for an approved AEWV application
- the job token is not being used at the same time for another AEWV application, and
- the job check is still current.
If an AEWV worker does not accept your request or does not meet requirements
You can resend a job token to someone else if the AEWV worker you invite does not:
- accept the request, or
- meet the visa requirements and their application is declined.
If we decline an AEWV application
If we decline the migrant's AEWV application but they are eligible to have their application reconsidered and apply to do so, you cannot resend the offer to another migrant until:
- we have reconsidered the application and made a decision, or
- you tell us you have withdrawn your offer of employment from the applicant.
If you withdraw an offer of employment
If you tell us you have withdrawn the employment offer from an AEWV applicant, and the AEWV application has not been already approved, you can resend the offer to another migrant.
Changing employers due to business sale or restructure
You may be able to transfer migrant workers on an AEWV to another business, due to a business sale or restructure.
Streamlined Job Change process
AEWV workers who are transferring to another business due to a business sale or restructure must apply for a Job Change (variation of conditions).
Normally, a Job Change requires the new employer to be accredited and have an approved job check for the job the AEWV worker will be employed in.
However, AEWV workers who are transferring to a new employer as a direct result of to a business sale or restructure can apply for a streamlined Job Change. While the new employer does not need to have an approved job check or current employer accreditation, they must have at least applied for employer accreditation.
If the new employer has, or has applied for, standard accreditation, AEWV workers transferred to the new business will be counted against the quota of 5 AEWV workers. If the new employer plans to exceed this quota, they must apply for high-volume accreditation.
What we consider for streamlined Job Change applications
We will only consider the change of employer to be the direct result of a business sale or restructure if:
- the transfer of the AEWV worker was either mutually agreed between the old and new employer, or automatic (for example, due to 2 or more businesses combining), and
- the AEWV worker does not have to reapply for their job and be considered alongside other candidates.
For the streamlined job check process, the job must have the same:
- location
- job title, and
- rate of pay (or a higher rate of pay).
If the requirements for the streamlined Job Change are not met, the standard Job Change process applies. This means the new employer must hold accreditation and apply for a job check. This includes if the:
- AEWV worker has been made redundant and has independently found a new job, or
- job or location are changing due to the business sale or restructure.
Applying for a job check: process steps
What AEWV workers need to provide
When the AEWV worker applies for a Job Change they must provide:
- evidence of a finalised business sale or restructure
- evidence that the transfer was a direct result of the business transaction — such as a sale or purchase agreement or restructure document.
- evidence that shows their employment will continue after the sale or restructure, and
- the original job check number used when they applied for their AEWV.
We will check that the job the AEWV worker is doing is the same as it was under the previous business.
Changing the conditions of a work visa or applying for a Job Change
Applications that need priority processing
Employers and AEWV workers who are impacted by a business sale or restructure can request priority processing for their employer accreditation or Job Change application by using the escalation process.
Provide the reason for urgency and the circumstances of the business restructure in your request.