For us to grant your candidate a Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa, they must provide a copy of a written employment agreement, which must:
- be for work in an occupation on the LTSSL
- be current at time they apply for a visa
- be for full-time work
- be for 2 years or more
- pay no less than the market rate (and at least NZ $45,000 if you want them to be eligible to apply for residence later).
Employment agreements must also include:
- your name and contact details
- your candidate’s name and contact details
- the job title
- the address the work will be carried out
- the kind of work your candidate will be doing and their responsibilities at work
- details of any qualifications or work experience your candidate will need to do the work
- information about whether your candidate will need New Zealand registration to do the work
- how long the work will be for
- how long your candidate has to take up the job offer
- pay and work conditions that comply with New Zealand employment law.