Report a breach form

Use this form to report an immigration breach.

You can report an immigration breach by submitting the details of the breach using this online form. You can also make a report by:

Do not use this form if someone is currently being hurt or is at risk of being harmed:

  • Phone 111 if someone is currently being hurt
  • Submit a report to 105 if someone is at risk of being harmed.

When you use this form

Provide as much information as possible about the immigration breach. Include your details so we can contact you if necessary. 

If you want to make an anonymous report, you can contact Crime Stoppers.
Crime Stoppers online form

The information you submit will be triaged and assessed before it is passed to the appropriate area in the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

Any information you provide that indicates criminal offending or a threat to the safety and wellbeing of others will be shared with the appropriate agency.

*Required field

What do you want to report?

Your name and contact details will be saved with this report.

Your details

Breach details

Select an option.

There is a 150-character limit, including spaces.


The NZBN applies to New Zealand businesses only. The NZBN should have 13 numbers and always begins with 94.
Find the NZBN


You can add up to 10 additional people.

Details of additional person


There is a 1500-character limit, including spaces.


Include an address, town or region. There is a character limit of 1250, including spaces.

Enter an approximate date.

There is a 1500-character limit, including spaces.

Upload File

You can upload up to 5 files. Each file must be less than 5MB. Allowed formats: pdf, doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, gif, png and txt.


Immigration New Zealand (INZ) will use the information you have provided for the purposes of carrying out its functions under the Immigration Act 2009 and immigration related elements of the Crimes Act 1961.

INZ will not disclose your information to any third party in a form that identifies you unless:

  • you have consented to such disclosure
  • such disclosure is required or permitted by the Privacy Act 2020, or otherwise required or permitted by law.

Where information provided relates to activity outside of INZ’s remit, it may share this information with other government or overseas agencies under applicable law.

Under the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right to request access to your personal information and to request that INZ correct information that it holds about you. For more information about privacy and the information you have provided, view our Privacy page.


We may not be able to advise of the outcome where to do so would prejudice an investigation.

  • I have read and understood the Privacy Statement above.
  • Where information provided relates to activity outside of INZ’s remit we may pass the information on to the relevant agency, such as New Zealand Police.
  • I have provided true and correct information to the questions in this form.