Scarce list — Primary sector roles
Roles in the Primary sector.
- Agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operator
- Agricultural consultant
- Agricultural engineer
- Agricultural scientist
- Agricultural technician
- Anaesthetic technician
- Animal attendants and trainers nec
- Apiarist
- Aquaculture farmer
- Aquaculture worker
- Arborist
- Baker
- Baking factory worker
- Beef cattle farm worker
- Beef cattle farmer
- Boat builder and repairer
- Brewery worker
- Butcher or smallgoods maker
- Cabinetmakers
- Cardiac technician
- Chef
- Chemist
- Confectionery maker
- Conservation Officer
- Cook
- Cotton Grower
- Crop farm workers nec
- Crop Farmers nec
- Dairy cattle farm worker
- Dairy cattle farmer
- Dairy products maker
- Deck hand
- Deer farmer
- Dog handler or trainer
- Environmental consultant
- Environmental engineer
- Environmental manager
- Environmental research scientist
- Environmental scientists nec
- Fabric and textile factory worker
- Farm, forestry and garden workers
- Farrier
- Fencer
- Fisheries officer
- Fishing hand
- Florist
- Food and drink factory workers nec
- Food technologist
- Food trades assistants nec
Footwear production machine operator - Forester (AUS) / Forest scientist (NZ)
- Forestry worker
- Fruit and vegetable factory worker
- Fruit and vegetable packer
- Fruit or nut farm worker
- Fruit or Nut Grower
- Fruit or nut picker
- Furniture finisher
- Gardener (general)
- Goat farmer
- Grain mill worker
- Grain, oilseed or pasture farm worker (AUS) / Field crop farm worker (NZ)
- Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower / Field Crop Grower
- Grape Grower
- Greenskeeper
- Hide and skin processing machines operators
- Hide and skin processing worker
- Horse breeder
- Horse groomer
- Horticultural nursery assistant
- Hunter-trapper
- Kennel hand
- Knitting machine operator
- Landscape gardener
- Livestock farm workers nec
- Livestock farmers
- Logging assistant
- Logging plant operator
- Marine biologist
- Marine transport professionals nec
- Master fisher
- Meat boner and slicer
- Meat inspector
- Meat packer
- Meat process worker
- Medical laboratory technician
- Medical technician nec
- Mixed crop and livestock farm worker
- Mixed crop and livestock farmer
- Mixed Crop Farmer
- Mixed livestock farm worker
- Mixed livestock farmer
- Mushroom picker
- Nurserypersons
- Operating theatre technician
- Other wood processing machine operator nec
- Paper and pulp mill operator
- Paper products machine operator
- Park ranger
- Pastrycook
- Pastrycook's assistant
- Pathology collector / phlebotomist
- Pest controller
- Pet groomer
- Pharmacy technician
- Picture framer
- Pig farmer
- Poultry farm worker
- Poultry farmer
- Poultry process worker
- Primary products inspectors nec
- Production manager (forestry)
- Quarantine officer
- Saw maker and repairer
- Sawmill or timber yard worker
- Sawmilling operator
- Seafood packer
- Seafood process worker
- Shearer
- Sheep farm worker
- Sheep farmer
- Ship's engineer
- Ship's master
- Ship's officer
- Ship's surveyor
- Shipwright
- Slaughterer
- Stablehand
- Sugar Cane Grower
- Sugar mill worker
- Tanker driver
- Textile and footwear production machine operators nec
- Textile dyeing and finishing machine operator
- Tree faller
- Turf Grower
- Vegetable farm worker (AUS) / Market garden worker (NZ)
- Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ)
- Vegetable picker
- Veterinarian
- Veterinary nurse
- Vineyard worker
- Weaving machine operator
- Wine maker
- Winery cellar hand
- Wood and wood products factory worker
- Wood machinist
- Wood machinist and other wood trades workers nec
- Wood turner
- Wool buyer
- Wool classer
- Wool handler
- Yard carding and spinning machine operator
- Zookeeper