Qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa (PSWV)

Check if you qualify for a Post Study Work Visa if you have completed a degree level 7 qualification or higher or one that is on the list of qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa.

You are eligible for a Post Study Work Visa if:

  • you completed a degree level 7 or above qualification that you studied full-time for at least 30 weeks in New Zealand, or
  • you completed a non-degree level 7 or below qualification that you studied full-time in New Zealand for the full duration required to gain the qualification, and your qualification is on the list of qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa.

If you applied for your student visa on or before 11 May 2022 you may be eligible for a Post Study Work Visa, even if your qualification is not on the list of qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa. However, you must have an acceptable qualification.

Acceptable qualifications for a Post Study Work Visa (pre 12 May 2022)

You can find more information about the New Zealand Qualifications Framework levels on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority website.

New Zealand Qualifications Framework — NZQA website

List of qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa


You can only take a job that is related to what you studied, if you studied a non-degree level 7 or below qualification.

Note: N/A is Not applicable.

Table 1: Qualifications eligible for a Post Study Work Visa
Qualification Knowledge requirements (focus area) Related jobs
A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7 Highway engineering or civil engineering Construction Project Manager
A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7 Construction management or construction project management Construction Project Manager or Project Builder
A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7 Construction Project Builder
A Graduate Diploma in Construction at NZQF Level 7 Quantity Surveying Quantity Surveyor
A Graduate Diploma in Quantity Surveying at NZQF Level 7 N/A Quantity Surveyor

A Graduate Diploma acceptable to the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand for registration


The applicant meets all the Council’s other requirements for teacher registration and certification.

Getting Certificated — Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

N/A Primary, Intermediate or Secondary School Teacher

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) or comparable qualification that is acceptable to the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand for registration.


The applicant meets all the Council’s other requirements for teacher registration and certification.

Getting Certificated — Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

N/A Early Childhood Teacher
A qualification at NZQF Level 7, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the qualification and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand. N/A Engineer or Civil, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical Engineering Technician
A Diploma at NZQF Level 6 or higher with a minimum of 240 credits Highway engineering, construction or construction management Construction Project Manager or Project Builder
A Diploma at NZQF Level 6 or higher with a minimum of 240 credits Civil engineering Construction Project Manager or Civil Engineering Technician
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) with a strand in Civil Engineering, 240 credits N/A Construction Project Manager or Civil Engineering Technician
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6 or higher) with a strand in Electronics Engineering, 240 credits N/A Mechanical Engineering Technician
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying) Level 6 or higher N/A Quantity Surveyor or Project Builder
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6 or higher) with a strand in Quantity Surveying, 240 credits N/A Quantity Surveyor or Project Builder
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6 or higher) with a strand in Construction Economics, Construction Management or Building, 240 credits N/A Project Builder
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) with a strand in Electrical Engineering, 240 credits N/A Telecommunications, Telecommunications Network Engineer or Electrical Engineering Technician
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6 or higher) with a strand in Electronics Engineering, 240 credits N/A Electronic Engineering Technician

New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6 or higher) with a strand in Mechanical Engineering

N/A Mechanical Engineering Technician
A diploma at NZQF Level 5 or higher Farm management, agriculture or dairy technology Dairy Cattle Farmer
A certificate at NZQF Level 4 or higher New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (NZQF Level 4) Automotive Electrician
A certificate at NZQF Level 4 or higher New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (NZQF Level 4) Diesel Motor Mechanic
A certificate at NZQF Level 4 or higher Dairy Farming or Livestock Farming strands of the New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) Dairy Cattle Farmer
New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (Level 4) N/A Automotive Electrician
New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (NZQF Level 4) N/A Diesel Motor Mechanic
New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) with a strand in Dairy Farming or Livestock Farming N/A Dairy Cattle Farmer