ANZSCO occupations recognised at a higher skill level

Some occupations on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) are recognised at a higher skill level for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa (SMC) and some temporary visas.

Why we use ANZSCO occupations and skill levels

ANZSCO groups jobs together into ‘occupations’ that have similar tasks and responsibilities. ANZSCO skill levels range from 1 to 5 — 1 is the most skilled and 5 is less skilled.

We use ANZSCO to determine which occupation is the closest match to a job.

What is ANZSCO and how to find your skill level

Note: ANZSCO is being replaced by the National Occupation List (NOL). The skill levels of some occupations are changing under the NOL.

ANZSCO to be replaced

Occupations recognised at a higher skill level for the AEWV


These occupations are only recognised at a higher skill level for the AEWV. They are not recognised at a higher skill level for the SMC or any other visa.

If you are applying for an AEWV, some ANZSCO occupations are currently listed at ANZSCO skill level 4 but are recognised by Immigration New Zealand at ANZSCO skill level 3. This is because they are recognised at a higher skill level under the NOL.

ANZSCO occupations that are recognised as skill level 3 for the AEWV are:

  • 351411 Cook
  • 361113 Pet groomer
  • 361115 Kennel hand
  • 421113 Nanny
  • 452111 Fitness instructor
  • 821712 Scaffolder
  • 831212 Slaughterer.

The following ANZSCO occupations can also be recognised at skill level 3 if your employer requires you to have at least 3 years of relevant work experience or a level 4 qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF). They must have listed these requirements when completing their job check application.

  • 721111 Agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operator
  • 721214 Excavator operator
  • 721311 Forklift driver
  • 721999 Mobile plant operator.

About the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) — NZQA

Occupations recognised at a higher skill level for the AEWV, SMC and all temporary visas

Some occupations can be recognised at skill level 3 or higher within ANZSCO, if you meet the necessary work experience and qualification requirements. This applies for AEWV, SMC and other temporary visa applications.

These occupations include:

  • 423111 Aged or disabled carer (skill level 4)
  • 423312 Nursing support worker (skill level 4)
  • 423313 Personal care assistant (skill level 4)
  • 591212 Import-export clerk (skill level 4)
  • 712211 Driller (skill level 4)
  • 899911 Bicycle mechanic (skill level 5).

Work experience and qualification requirements

To meet the skills requirements, you may need:

  • at least 3 years of relevant work experience, or
  • a relevant qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) — this must be at least a level 4 qualification for an occupation at skill level 3, or a diploma for an occupation at skill level 2.

About the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) — NZQA

Skill level (ANZSCO) — Stats NZ

If you are applying for an SMC

For SMC applications, you can apply at a higher skill level for the occupation if you meet the work experience and qualification requirements.

If you are applying for an AEWV

We set the skill level based on the experience and qualification the employer lists in their job check application. An employer may apply at a higher skill level if the job meets the skills and experience expected of an ANZSCO skill level 3 or higher role.

You must apply for an AEWV using the skill level set in the job check, even if you meet the skill requirements for a higher level.