Green List roles
Search the Green List for roles in demand in New Zealand. If your role is listed, and you have the qualifications, registration or experience required, you may be able to get residence immediately or after 2 years of working here.
Qualifications for work
- Green List roles
- What is ANZSCO and how to find your skill level
- ANZSCO occupations recognised at a higher skill level
- China Special Work Visa — evidence of qualifications
- Qualifications for China skilled work occupations
- Qualifications for Republic of Korea Special Work
- Acceptable qualifications for a Post Study Work Visa (pre 12 May 2022)
- Transport Work to Residence Visa work requirements and roles
- Check if you need an International Qualification Assessment
- Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa requirements and roles
Search the Green List to see if your role is Tier 1 for a Straight to Residence Visa or Tier 2 for a Work to Residence Visa, and what qualifications, registration or experience you need to apply.
For more information on applying for these residence category visas go to:
All qualifications listed as requirements are based on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) unless stated otherwise.