Second or Subsequent Resident Visa

Apply for this visa if you had a New Zealand resident visa that has expired. Your eligibility will depend on the length of time since your visa expired and your commitment to New Zealand before that.

Length of stay


NZD $275
Processing time
80% within
8.5 weeks
With this visa you can
  • Live, work, study in New Zealand.
  • Include your partner, and dependent children aged 24 and under, in your visa application.
Things to note
  • There are special provisions for partners of New Zealand citizens, and for residents seconded overseas as part of their New Zealand employment.
  • You must apply for this visa before travelling to New Zealand.
  • You must apply online.

What you need to apply

Check if you are eligible to apply for this visa and what supporting documents and information you need to provide.

View All Evidence

You do not need to provide any police certificates with your application form.

Good character

You can only apply for a second or subsequent resident visa, if your resident visa expired for one of the following reasons:

  • you left New Zealand after your travel conditions expired
  • you were outside New Zealand when your travel conditions expired

You will not need to provide any evidence you held a resident visa, unless we ask you to.

You can apply for a second or subsequent resident visa if at the time your resident visa expired, you were eligible for either:

  • a permanent resident visa because of your commitment to New Zealand – you have to apply within 2 years
  • a variation of travel conditions, which would still be valid when you apply.

Commitment to New Zealand
Variation of travel conditions – resident visas


You must provide English translations of all evidence not in English.

You must include your partner and every child aged 17 years and over when you answer questions about your character.

Dependent children

If you were a non-principal applicant when you applied for a resident visa, you must apply for your Second or Subsequent Resident Visa at the same time or after the principal applicant, unless a non-principal exception applies.

Exceptions for non-principal applicants


A person included as a dependent child in a residence application who is applying for a Second or Subsequent Resident Visa will still be assessed based on the eligibility of the principal applicant, even if they are an adult when they apply.

If you are the partner of a New Zealand citizen you will only be eligible for a second or subsequent resident visa if both of the following apply:

  • you were granted residence based on your partnership with a New Zealand citizen
  • you have been living with your partner for 12 months or more.

You must provide evidence that:


Process and costs

The information below will help you understand the process, timeframes and costs involved in applying for this visa, so you can plan ahead and have the best chance of submitting a complete application.


We cannot display any process or costs information until you have provided your country details. Enter your country details in the panel above to view information relevant to your situation.

Enter country details

How to submit

Payment methods and receiving centre details if applicable.


We cannot display any receiving centre or payment method information until you have provided your country details. Enter your country details in the panel above to view information relevant to your situation.

Enter country details


These are the conditions that you must meet once you have your visa.

Entry permission

You must apply for entry permission when you arrive in New Zealand. You can do this by completing a New Zealand traveller declaration (NZTD).

New Zealand Customs and Biosecurity also check that you meet their entry requirements.

Arriving in New Zealand


You can be refused entry permission if:

  • you do not meet our character requirements
  • your circumstances have changed since you were granted a visa
  • you refuse to let us take your photo or to provide us with your fingerprints or an iris scan, if asked for them
  • you are unable to provide evidence of any onward travel or funds required by the conditions of your visa.

If you are refused entry to New Zealand

Before you travel to New Zealand


Your travel conditions will be granted for the time period your travel conditions would have been valid for, if you had applied for them at the time your previous Resident Visa expired.

If you were eligible for a Permanent Resident Visa when your Resident Visa expired, your travel conditions will be valid for 24 months from the date your visa expired.

If you are granted a Second or Subsequent Resident Visa as the partner of a New Zealand citizen, your travel conditions will be valid for 24 months.

Section 49 conditions

If you had any section 49 conditions on your previous Resident Visa, they will apply to your Second or Subsequent Resident Visa too.

Keep your visa in a valid passport

If you want to travel, your visa must be in a valid passport.

If your passport expires, you must apply to transfer your visa to a new passport before you can travel.

Transferring my visa to a new passport


You can work in New Zealand.


You can study in New Zealand.