Employer accreditation, job check and AEWV wait times

Find out how long it takes us to process work visas, employer accreditations and Job Checks.

This page includes wait times for Job Check and visa applications by ANZSCO level. ANZSCO grades occupations according to skill level. ANZSCO skill levels range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most skilled and 5 being less skilled. There is also wait time information for Green List roles and roles by sector.

What is ANZSCO and how to find your skill level

Green list roles

Incomplete applications slow down processing times

Further checks and policy changes were introduced in the AEWV earlier this year which mean there are additional requirements for many applications. This has resulted in processing times across the 3 stages of the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme taking longer.

Incomplete applications are a significant factor to current processing times. All of the required information must be submitted with your application to help prevent further delays. Incomplete applications may be declined.

Apply for AEWV accreditation

Financial evidence for your accreditation application

How to apply for a Job Check

Accredited Employer Work Visa

Wait times for AEWV, job check and employer accreditation

Table 1: Wait times for AEWV, job check and accreditation applications processed in the last 4 weeks, by ANZSCO level and industry. This page is updated weekly.
Visa/product type *Average wait time *Most completed within
Employer accreditation for AEWV 2 days 2 weeks
Accreditation renewals 2 days 2 weeks
Job checks (all roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (Green list roles) 2 days 4 days
Job checks (ANZSCO skill level 1 roles) 2 days 1 week
Job checks (ANZSCO skill level 2 roles) 1 week 3 weeks
Job checks (ANZSCO skill level 3 roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (ANZSCO skill level 4 roles) 4 days 2 weeks
Job checks (ANZSCO skill level 5 roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (Hospitality sector roles) 1 week 3 weeks
Job checks (Construction sector roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (Primary Industry sector roles) 2 days 1.5 week
Job checks (Tourism sector roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (Retail sector roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (Health sector roles all) 2 days 1 week
Job checks (Health sector roles Green List) 1 days 2 days
Job checks (Education sector roles) 1 days 3 days
Job checks (ICT sector roles) 2 days 1 week
Job checks (Transportation and logistics sector roles) 3 days 2 weeks
Job checks (other sector roles) 3 days 2 weeks
AEWV (all roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (Green list roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (ANZSCO skill level 1 roles) 2 weeks 4.5 weeks
AEWV (ANZSCO skill level 2 roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (ANZSCO skill level 3 roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (ANZSCO skill level 4 roles) 2 weeks 6 weeks
AEWV (ANZSCO skill level 5 roles) 2 weeks 6 weeks
AEWV (Hospitality sector roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (Construction sector roles) 2 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (Primary Industry sector roles) 2 weeks 4 weeks
AEWV (Tourism sector roles) 1 week 2.5 weeks
AEWV (Retail sector roles) 3 weeks 7 weeks
AEWV (Health sector roles all) 2 weeks 3 weeks
AEWV (Health sector roles Green List) 2 weeks 4 weeks
AEWV (Education sector roles) 2 weeks 4 weeks
AEWV (ICT sector roles) 2.5 weeks 5 weeks
AEWV (Transportation and logistics sector roles) 3.5 weeks 9 weeks
AEWV (Other sector roles) 2 weeks 4 weeks

*'Average wait time' is how long it took for 50% of applications to be processed. 'Most completed within' is based on 80% of applications processed. Both figures are calculated using working days. ‘Working days’ excludes Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

If your application includes all the documentation we need, it will be processed closer to the average wait time. We also provide the timeframe that we complete most applications in, to provide certainty when planning your application.

Some applications can take longer to process

We need to assess all applications to determine whether the requirements are met. For a work visa we need to determine the applicant meets immigration requirements, and the requirements for the role applied for. Providing all the documentation we need will mean we can process your application faster when it is allocated.

There are different requirements for the different ANZSCO skill levels. It’s important that the correct ANZSCO skill level is provided on the application. We need to assess that the role matches the ANZSCO skill level provided. It takes longer to process applications where these don’t match or an incorrect ANZSCO code has been declared.

AEWV and job check applications for Green List roles are prioritised.

If your application is taking longer than what is shown in Table 1 you can find out what other factors may affect visa wait times.

Why some visa applications take longer to process than others

Escalating urgent applications

If you need to request to have your application allocated urgently for assessment, you can use our escalation process. You must meet all the criteria.

Escalation for urgent applications

How we allocate AEWV applications

We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to be as efficient as possible in our approach to processing applications across the AEWV scheme.

When we allocate an application, it means we assign it to an immigration officer to start assessing it. We allocate AEWV applications across the 3 gateways in a flexible and considered way so we can be as efficient as possible, while maintaining the appropriate risk settings and quality of decision making. For example, grouping applications, and allocating these to a specific team to assess them at the same time such as where the applicant is from the same sector or location, or are in similar situations.

Allocation priorities for Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

Where we identify applications that include the required evidence and documentation, these will be prioritised.

This means more applications across the AEWV gateways can continue to be assessed, and enables us to make more visa decisions.

There were temporary changes to some sectors to ensure employers could hire the skilled employers they needed for seasonal work. Applications from the Dairy sector were prioritised for allocation from May to September 2024, prior to the calving season. On 8 September 2024, an exemption to the AEWV minimum skill requirement was made for some roles in meat and seafood, tourism, hospitality and care workforce.

Short-term exemptions to AEWV skills requirements for specific roles and sectors

Find other visa wait times

To find the wait time for a visa or accreditation type that is not listed on this page you can use our fees, decision times and where to apply tool.

Fees, decision times and where to apply

Check your application status

To find out information on your visa application you can log in to your Immigration Online account and check your visa status.

Checking your visa application status

Escalating an urgent application

You can request to have your application allocated urgently for assessment using our visa escalation process.

Find out how to escalate your application