- This is not current policy -
V3.15 Partners of New Zealand citizens or residents (05/11/2007)
(see E4.1.10) of may be issued with a visitor's visa or granted a visitor's permit for a maximum stay of 9 months from their date of arrival, provided that:
- they are in a relationship (see E4.5.1); and
- the New Zealand partner intends to be in New Zealand during the same period of time applied for by the applicant; and
- the New Zealand partner supports the application; and
- complies with the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships (see E4.1.10(b) and F2.15); and
- meets the character requirement for partners supporting 'partnership-based temporary entry applications' set out at E7.45.
V3.15.1 Policy on duration of permits for partners of New Zealand citizens or residents
- Provided a visa or immigration officer is satisfied the and New Zealand citizen or resident partner are living together in a partnership that is genuine and stable the duration of any permit granted under this policy is dependent on the duration of their partnership.
- If, the partnership has existed for less than 12 months at the time the application is assessed then the first permit granted under this policy must not exceed 12 months from date of arrival in New Zealand. Further permits may be granted upon application for up to a maximum of two years from date of arrival if:
- during the validity of the first permit an application for residence under Family category, Partnership policy is made and the principal applicant wishes to remain in New Zealand pending a decision on their application, or
- the couple wish to spend more time in New Zealand and a visa or immigration officer is satisfied they are still living together in a genuine and stable partnership.
- If the partnership has existed for 12 months or more at the time the application is assessed, then a visitor visa may be issued or a visitor permit granted for the length of their intended stay, up to a maximum of 2 years from the date of their arrival in New Zealand.
V3.15.5 New Zealand citizen or resident partner must be an eligible sponsor under Partnership policy
- Visa and immigration officers must consider, whether the New Zealand resident partner will be an (see F2.10.10) within 12 months of the intended date of arrival in New Zealand of their partner.
- If the New Zealand partner would not be an eligible sponsor under Partnership policy within 12 months of the intended date of arrival in New Zealand of their partner, the application for the visitor visa or permit may be declined.
- A New Zealand citizen or resident partner will not be considered to be an eligible sponsor if that partner:
- has previously supported or sponsored more than one other successful principal applicant under Partnership policy; or
- has previously supported or sponsored any other successful principal applicant under Partnership policy in the five years immediately preceding the date the current application is made; or
- was, in the seven years prior to the date the application is , the perpetrator of an incident of domestic violence which has resulted in the grant of a residence permit to a person under the policy for victims of domestic violence (see S4.5); or
- does not meet the character requirements for partners supporting Partnership policy applications set out at R5.95; or
- was a successful principal applicant under Partnership policy if:
- less than five years has elapsed since the date they were granted residence under Partnership policy, or
- they have previously supported or sponsored any other successful principal applicant under Partnership policy.
Note: Support or sponsorship of principal applicants under Partnership policy includes support or sponsorship of principal applicants under the Family category Spouse and De facto partner policies in force before Partnership policy took effect.
V3.15.10 Evidential requirements for partners of New Zealand citizens or residents
Visa or immigration officers must sight evidence of the following:
- the applicant's partner's New Zealand citizenship or New Zealand residence status; and
- their relationship with their New Zealand partner, and
- evidence that demonstrates they are living together with that partner in a genuine and stable partnership at the time their application is made. (F2.20 sets out the types of evidence that are required); and
- that the New Zealand partner supports the application in writing; and
- that the applicant and partner are intending to live in New Zealand for the same period of time.
- If requested by an immigration or visa officer, applicants must also provide a written declaration from their New Zealand partner confirming:
- they are an eligible sponsor, and/or
- they comply with the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships (see E4.1.12 b. and F2.15).
Effective 05/11/2007