- This is not current policy -
The policy in this manual ceases to be effective from 29 November 2010.
To see the current Immigration New Zealand Operational Manual go to
WF5.5 Partners of holders of student permits who are NZAID supported
- (see E4.1.10) of people granted student permits who are NZAID supported, and who have an offer of employment and written approval from NZAID, may be granted a work permit valid for the duration of the offer of employment, but for no longer than the duration of their partner’s NZAID scholarship.
- Evidence of an offer of employment is required but the offer of employment is not subject to a labour market test.
- Applicants must provide a completed work permit application form and fee and meet the generic policy requirements at E4.5(b)-(d).
- The visa or permit may be endorsed with any or all of the conditions imposed by special direction listed at W2.25.
- Partners of people granted student permits who are NZAID supported, are not eligible for a temporary permit in the 2 year period following completion of the NZAID student’s scholarship, unless they have written approval from NZAID (with the exception of a short-term visitor visa or permit).
Effective 05/11/2005