- This is not current policy -
The policy in this manual ceases to be effective from 29 November 2010.
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V3.105 APEC Business Travel Cardholders
- Business visitors from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies who hold an APEC Travel Card with New Zealand clearance and who are not considered to be undertaking employment (see W2.2.1) may enter New Zealand as visitors. People in this category include sales representatives from overseas companies, buyers and people attending business consultations or negotiations.
- Details of APEC cardholders who have received clearance from their home economy will be sent to the Immigration Officer, APEC Business Travel Card Operations, Immigration New Zealand, Christchurch Branch, for pre-clearance approval. APEC cardholders who receive pre-clearance approval will be granted a three-month visitor's permit on arrival.
- APEC cardholders from all APEC economies (except Australia) who intend a stay of more than three months must apply for a work visa under normal policy.
Note: Business visitors who hold an interim APEC Travel Card without New Zealand clearance are required to meet normal visa requirements before they travel to New Zealand.
Note: APEC Business Travel Cardholders policy reflects New Zealand's international trade commitments (see E9).
Effective 28/07/2008