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SM16.20 Qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage

  1. If a principal applicant does not have skilled employment in New Zealand in an area of absolute skills shortage (see SM8.20), they will be assessed as being qualified in an area of absolute skills shortage if they meet the specifications in Column 4 of the Long Term Skill Shortage List (see Appendix 6) or that was listed on the date their Expression of Interest was selected.
  2. If a principal applicant does have skilled employment in New Zealand in an area of absolute skills shortage (see SM8.20) their recognised qualification will be assessed as being in an area of absolute skills shortage if the specialist, technical or managerial expertise required for that employment was obtained through the completion of that qualification.
  3. Recognised qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage only qualify for points if any occupational registration requirements relating to those qualifications are met (see SM19.15).

SM16.20.1 Evidence

If (b) above applies, recognised qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage will only qualify for points if the principal applicant provides evidence that they obtained the specialist, technical or managerial expertise required for their employment in an area of absolute skills shortage through completion of the recognised qualification.

SM16.25 Removal of an occupation from the Long Term Skill Shortage List

If an occupation is removed from the Long Term Skill Shortage List, Expressions of Interest that have been selected before the removal, which include points for meeting the requirements under SM16.20, will be assessed in the subsequent SMC application for residence as if the occupation was not removed.

Effective 26/11/2009


SM16.20 Qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage (02/07/2009)

SM16.20 Qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage (23/01/2007)

SM16.20 Qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage (04/04/2005)

SM16.20 Qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage (17/12/2003)

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