- This is not current policy -
A1.15 Practical steps towards achieving fairness and... (26/07/1999)
- If the applicant insists on proceeding, accept and process an application made in the prescribed manner (see R2.35 - R2.50), even if it is likely that it will be declined; and
- consider all the facts, keeping an open mind towards all relevant forms of evidence; and
- distinguish fact from opinion, rumour, allegation, assumption or report; and
- apply relevant policy or criteria; and
- inform the applicant of the actual reasons for a decision; and
- include an interpreter in an interview if the applicant is not fluent in English, or if the applicant asks for one to be present (see A14); and
- include an applicant's lawyer, agent, or family representative if the applicant asks for them to be present.
Note: rulings from the courts, Ombudsmen, senior officers or appeal authorities may be used as guidelines in appropriate situations.
Effective 26/07/1999