- This is not current policy -
The policy in this manual ceases to be effective from 29 November 2010.
To see the current Immigration New Zealand Operational Manual go to
A2.35 New Zealand citizens
A2.35.1 Evidence of New Zealand citizenship
Immigration Act 1987 s 126(1)(b)
- A New Zealand passport is the only acceptable evidence of New Zealand citizenship at a port of entry.
- A New Zealand citizen with dual citizenship may enter New Zealand on a foreign passport endorsed with a New Zealand visa or permit.
Note: A New Zealand citizen's foreign passport issued by a country that has legislation appearing to forbid dual nationality is considered to be valid unless the issuing country specifically declares it to be invalid.
A2.35.5 New Zealand citizens returning without passports
In certain circumstances, a branch of the NZIS or MFAT post may request that the immigration officer at a port of entry in New Zealand not demand to see a passport of a New Zealand citizen, but only if:
- the situation is one of emergency or requiring compassion (eg, death or serious illness); and
- there is not enough time for a New Zealand passport to be issued.
Note: in most cases, a passport can be issued in less than 24 hours.
A2.35.10 Procedures for New Zealand citizens returning without passports
- The visa officer at the NZIS branch or MFAT office must verify that the traveller is a New Zealand citizen from passport records held at the post or branch or by other means.
- The visa officer must fax the NZIS branch office responsible for the relevant port of entry, requesting that an immigration officer not demand to see a New Zealand passport from a particular passenger when they arrive in New Zealand.
- The visa officer must provide the following details of the passenger:
- flight number and date of arrival, and
- full name, and
- place of birth, and
- date of birth, and
- New Zealand passport number (if available), and
- other identification carried.
- The visa officer must also provide:
- confirmation that the passenger is a New Zealand citizen, and
- the name and designation of the visa officer making the request, and
- the NZIS branch or MFAT office location.
- Officers with schedule 1 delegations are authorised to determine these requests and must notify their decisions to:
- the Customs Department before the passenger's arrival, and
- if possible, to the initiating branch or post and/or the passenger.
Effective 26/07/1999