- This is not current policy -
V2.5 Length of permitted stay (29/09/2003)
- Visitors to New Zealand are limited to a maximum stay on a visitor's permit of 9 months in any 18-month period, unless they:
- are genuine tourists (see V2.5.1) who require no more than an additional 3 months to complete their itinerary, or
- have been issued a visitor's visa and/or granted a visitor's permit under a special category of visitor's visa and permit policy which allows a longer stay in New Zealand; or
- cannot leave New Zealand because of circumstances beyond their control, or
- have lodged a first-time application for residence that has been accepted for consideration, and a decision is unlikely during the currency of their existing permit.
Note: Such applicants may apply for and be granted a further 3-month permit, allowing a maximum stay of 12 months. If a decision has not been made on the residence application while the further permit is current, the applicant must leave New Zealand when it expires, regardless of the status of the application or any appeals.
- Before visitors who have had the maximum 9-month allowable stay are entitled to return as visitors, they must remain outside New Zealand:
- for the same period of time as that spent in New Zealand in the last 18 months, or
- if they have been in New Zealand for 12 months (eg, on the basis of being a genuine tourist), for 12 months out of the last 24 months.
- For the purposes of this policy, 'last 18 months' or last '24 months' refers to the 18- or 24-month period immediately before the date the application is made.
V2.5.1 Definition of 'genuine tourist'
For the purposes of the provision on length of permitted stay at V2.5(a)(i) above, a genuine tourist is a visitor to New Zealand who:
- is not working and has not worked in New Zealand, and
- has not had a New Zealand student permit, and
- is not sponsored, and
- has sufficient funds for maintenance and accommodation.
Effective 29/09/2003