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W2.25 Conditions of work visas and permits (24/07/2006)

Immigration Act 1987 s 27(5), (7)

  1. A work visa may be issued with any or all of the following conditions imposed by special direction:
    1. the holder may work only in a specified industry, trade, occupation or profession;
    2. the holder may work only for a specified employer;
    3. the holder may work only in a specified area or location;
    4. any other condition the visa officer considers is appropriate to reflect the reason for which the visa is being issued.
  2. Any conditions (or variation of them by special direction) on the work visa also apply to the work permit granted on arrival in New Zealand.
  3. Work permits granted in New Zealand may also have any of the conditions in paragraph (a) above imposed by special direction.

W2.25.1 Varying the conditions of temporary permits

  1. Holders of temporary permits should apply for a variation of the conditions of their permit if:
    1. they wish to work and do not have a permit that allows work in New Zealand; or
    2. they hold a work permit limited by conditions and wish to change employers or the place of employment; or
    3. it is inappropriate for some other reason to apply for a work permit.
  2. Immigration officers may issue a variation of conditions in such cases provided that the applicant completes an Application for Variation of Conditions and produces:
    1. the appropriate fee; and
    2. a valid passport or travel document; and
    3. any other documents or information requested by the immigration officer.
  3. Holders of visitor permits granted under V3.100 Guardians accompanying students to New Zealand may only be granted a variation of conditions for part time work between the hours 9:30am and 2:30pm Monday to Friday (inclusive) (see V3.100.35).

Effective 24/07/2006


W2.25 Conditions of work visas and permits (19/09/2007)

W2.25 Conditions of work visas and permits (22/05/2006)

W2.25 Conditions of work visas and permits (29/04/2002)

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