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F4.15 Deferring the final decision (26/07/1999)
  1. If, at the time of assessment, the principal applicant has not met the policy criteria under F4.1, but may be able to do so within 6 months, the final decision on the application may be deferred for up to 6 months.
  2. A principal applicant and spouse or partner included in the application, who are already in New Zealand, may be granted a further temporary permit or permits (once an application is made) for a period sufficient to enable a further assessment of their application after the 6-month deferral period.

Effective 26/07/1999


F4.1 How do parents qualify for residence? (26/07/1999)

F4.5 Evidential requirements for parent relationships (26/07/1999)

F4.10 Verification of family details (26/07/1999)

F4.20 Residence permits with requirements (26/07/1999)

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