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BB6.5 Residence visas/permits subject to requirements (29/09/2003)

Immigration Act 1987 s 18A(1)

  1. Under the Investor category, a residence visa/permit and returning resident's visa is issued or granted to a principal applicant and accompanying partner and dependent children with requirements imposed under section 18A of the Immigration Act.
  2. The Investor category requirements are:
    1. that the principal applicant retains investment funds of the same or greater value than the amount of funds and assets nominated at the time of approval in principle in New Zealand in an acceptable investment for a minimum of 2 years (the expiry date of the investment period is 2 years from the date specified in the letter imposing requirements - see BB6.5.1(b) below); and
    2. that the principal applicant informs the nearest branch of the NZIS of any changes of New Zealand address during the 2-year investment period, and
    3. that, within 3 months after the expiry date of the 2-year investment period, the investor submits evidence to the NZIS that requirement (i) has been met.
  3. If a principal applicant is issued with a residence visa or granted a residence permit subject to requirements, the residence visa/permit of any accompanying partner and dependent children will be subject to the requirement that the principal applicant comply with the requirements of their visa or permit.

Effective 29/09/2003


BB6.5 Residence visas/permits subject to requirements (20/11/2002)

BB6.5 Residence visas/permits subject to requirements (26/07/1999)

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