Appendix 11 - List of Occupations which may be considered skilled employment under SM7.10.1(b) of the Skilled Migrant Category
Occupations in the following Major Groups of the New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
31111 Physical Science Technician
31121 Quantity Surveyor
31122 Surveyor’s Technician
31123 Clerk of Works
31124 Other Civil Engineering Technician
31131 Electrical Engineering Technician
31141 Telecommunications Technician
31142 Computer Systems Technician
31143 Other Electronics Engineering Technician
31144 Avionics Technician
31151 Mechanical Engineering Technician
31161 Chemical Engineering Technician
31191 Other Engineering Technician
31192 Non-Destructive Testing Technician
31211 Computer Programmer
31213 Computer Support Technician
31311 Photographer
31312 Camera Operator
31313 Sound Recording Equipment Controller
31321 Broadcasting, Transmitting and Studio Equipment Controller
31322 Radio Operator
31331 Medical Radiation Technologist
31332 Other Medical Equipment Controller
31333 Sonographer
31411 Ships’ Engineer
31421 Ships’ Officer (Deck) including Master
31422 Launch Master
31423 Other Ships’ Deck Officer and Pilot
31431 Aircraft Pilot and Flight Crew
31433 Flying Instructor
31434 Helicopter Pilot
31441 Air Traffic Controller
31514 Health Inspector
31515 Agricultural Inspector
32111 Life Science Technician
32112 Medical Laboratory Technician
32121 Agricultural Technician
32122 Forest Technician
32211 Dispensing Optician
32221Dental Therapist
32231 Physiotherapist
32232 Occupational Therapist
32233 Osteopath
32236 Chiropractor
32234 Orthotist and/or Prosthetist
32235 Podiatrist
32241 Veterinary Assistant
32251 Hospital Dispensary Assistant
32252 Retail Dispensary Assistant
32261 Other Health Associate Professional
32262 Dental Technician
32311 Enrolled Nurse
32312 Karitane Nurse
33111 Financial Dealer and Broker
33164 Wool Buyer/Merchant
33171 Valuer
33181 Auctioneer
33231 Bookkeeper
33242 Building Control/Consents Officer
33411 Social Worker
33413 Case Worker
33412 Probation Officer
33421 Employment Programme Teaching Associate Professional
33511 Careers, Transition, Employment Adviser
33612 Reporter
33613 Editor
33615 Copywriter
33631 Graphic Designer
33632 Fashion Designer
33634 Industrial Designer
33636 Interior Designer
33635 Paste Up Artist
33641 Composer
33642 Instrumentalist
33643 Singer
33644 Singing and Music Teacher
33651 Dancer
33652 Dancing Teacher and/or Choreographer
33661 Actor
33662 Artistic Director
33691 Professional Sportsperson
33692 Sports Coach or Trainer
33811 Acclimatisation Officer
33812 National Park Ranger