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SM14.20 Evidence (24/07/2006)
  1. Principal applicants under the Skilled Migrant Category must submit their qualifications and a NZQA Pre Assessment Result (PAR) or NZQA Qualifications Assessment Report (QAR) (see SM14.35) of those qualification(s) unless:
    1. their qualification(s) are included on the List of Recognised Qualifications; or
    2. they have been awarded full or provisional registration by a New Zealand organisation authorised by law to give occupational registration, and registration involves an assessment that their overseas qualification(s) is comparable with a New Zealand qualification that is included on the List of Recognised Qualifications.
  2. If an NZQA assessment is required for an overseas qualification, a PAR is suitable for lodgement of an application under the Skilled Migrant Category, but a QAR will be required to determine whether a qualification (or group of qualifications) will qualify for points.
  3. Applicants with New Zealand qualifications should provide evidence of the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications level of that qualification by submitting a ‘Qualification Overview’ report with their qualification. This report can be obtained from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority ‘KiwiQuals’ website (www.kiwiquals.govt.nz).
  4. In the case of a New Zealand qualification that is not included on the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications, a letter from the NZQA will be required to determine whether the qualification will qualify for points.
  5. In order for a qualification to qualify for points on the basis of full or provisional registration, the certificate of registration, or evidence of eligibility for registration subject only to an interview with a representative of the New Zealand Medical or Dental Council on arrival must also be provided (see SM19.15).
  6. If a principal applicant is claiming points for a qualification on the basis of their occupational registration, the qualification(s) qualifies for the points identified for the comparable New Zealand qualification on the List of Recognised Qualifications.
  7. Despite the fact that the List of Recognised Qualifications provides that a specified qualification qualifies for certain points, an applicant or a visa or immigration officer (by requesting the applicant to do so) may seek a NZQA Qualifications Assessment Report of any particular qualification. Where this occurs, the most recent NZQA assessment will prevail.

Effective 24/07/2006


SM14.20 Evidence (27/07/2009)

SM14.20 Evidence (25/05/2009)

SM14.20 Evidence (02/03/2009)

SM14.20 Evidence (28/07/2008)

SM14.20 Evidence (12/09/2005)

SM14.20 Evidence (28/09/2004)

SM14.20 Evidence (01/04/2004)

SM14.20 Evidence (17/12/2003)

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