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G6.10 NZIS to collect charge on behalf of TEC (30/06/2003)

  1. Instead of meeting the minimum standard of English, applicants who are eligible to pre-purchase ESOL tuition must pre-purchase ESOL tuition from TEC (Tertiary Education Commission) by paying the required charge to the NZIS (who collect this charge on behalf of TEC).
  2. Before a residence visa is issued or a residence permit is granted, applicants must pay any ESOL tuition charge due.

G6.10.1 TEC to arrange ESOL tuition

  1. The applicant is entitled to tuition to the value of the ESOL entitlement component of the ESOL tuition charge. This does not include NZIS and TEC administration costs.
  2. TEC advises the applicant of the list of suitable ESOL tuition providers in New Zealand, from which the applicant may nominate one of their own choice.
  3. TEC will manage the contract between the ESOL tuition provider and the applicant.
  4. The applicant must advise TEC of their New Zealand address.

G6.10.5 Applicant's Agreement with TEC

  1. Each applicant who pre-purchases ESOL tuition must sign an Agreement by which they agree, among other things, that they understand the rules for taking up ESOL tuition in New Zealand and the refund provisions.
  2. The content of the Agreement is determined by the NZIS and TEC.
  3. Included with the Agreement is a Schedule that sets out the personal details of the applicant and the amount of tuition to be purchased.

G6.10.10 Completion of Agreement

  1. When an application for residence is approved in principle, applicants will be given two copies of the Agreement to complete for each person in the application undertaking the English language training.
  2. After completion of the Agreement, one copy is retained by the applicant, and the other copy is returned to the NZIS processing office with the tuition fee(s).
  3. If the Agreement is not signed and returned to the NZIS within the time specified by the NZIS, the residence application must be declined.
  4. The NZIS copy of the Agreement should be sent to TEC, P O Box 27-048 Wellington, New Zealand.

Effective 30/06/2003


G6.10 NZIS to collect charge on behalf of Skill New Zealand (20/11/2002)

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