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RW3 Residence policy for holders of... (29/04/2002)
RW3 Residence policy for holders of visas or permits granted under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Policy
Holders of permits granted under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Policy may be granted a residence permit where:
- they have held a work visa or permit granted under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Policy for a period of at least 24 months; and
- during the currency of that visa and permit they have been actively engaged in their declared field of art, culture or sport throughout a period of 24 months in New Zealand; and
- they are still prominent in that field of art, culture or sport; and
- their continued presence in New Zealand will enhance the quality of New Zealand’s accomplishments and participation in that field of art, culture or sport; and
- they are sponsored by a in their declared field; and
- they meet health and character requirements (see R4 and R5); and
- they have not, at any time since the grant of their permit under the Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Policy, applied for, or been granted welfare assistance under the Social Security Act 1964.
Effective 29/04/2002