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S1.36 Restriction on the issue of visas or grant of permits to...

S1.36 Restriction on the issue of visas or grant of permits to Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, and his close associates

  1. Ordinarily, none of the persons named on the list held at Appendix 7 of the Operational Manual who:
    1. have acted in, or are acting in the role specified, or
    2. are, or have been, close associates of Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, may be issued a visa to enter New Zealand (including a transit visa) or be granted any permit to be in New Zealand.
  2. Where special circumstances exist (supported by cogent and reliable evidence) the New Zealand Immigration Service may nonetheless issue a visa or grant a permit to a person named on the list held at Appendix 7.
  3. The decision to issue a visa or grant a permit to a person named on the list held at Appendix 7 is limited to immigration officers with Schedule 1 delegations (see A15.4).

Effective 07/11/2002


S1.36 Restriction on the issue of visas or grant of permits to...(08/09/2002)

S1.36 Restriction on the issue of visas or grant of permits to...(16/04/2002)

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