- This is not current policy -
U10.10 Student permits and permission to study for refugee status claimants (26/07/1999)
- The only course of study refugee status claimants or their spouses or de facto partners or may undertake without the need for a student permit is an English as a Second Language (ESL) course at a New Zealand technical institute.
- Permission to attend an ESL course may be given by special direction varying the conditions of the claimant's temporary permit, and the Refugee Status Branch must inform the claimant of the special direction by letter.
- Claimants not eligible for a student permit under these provisions may apply under the provisions for student permits at U3, but must meet all the requirements, including payment of the appropriate fee.
U10.10.1 Claimants' school-aged children
- Claimants' school-aged children wishing to study at primary or secondary school may be granted student permits.
- Applications must be made in the prescribed manner (see E4.55); but an appropriately delegated immigration officer may waive:
- the application fee, and
- the requirement to produce evidence of funds or sponsorship, and
- the requirement to produce evidence of travel tickets or onward travel arrangements.
Effective 26/071999