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E2.25 Restrictions on entry to or transit through New Zealand of certain groups (16/04/2002)

United Nations Sanctions (Angola) Regulations 1993 Reg. 10A; United Nations Sanctions (Sierra Leone) Regulations 1997 Reg. 11; United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulations 2001 Reg. 16; United Nations Sanctions (Afghanistan) Regulations 2001 Reg 12A

  1. In accordance with United Nations sanctions against certain groups, the New Zealand government has restrictions in place on the entry to or transit through New Zealand of nationals of the following countries:
    1. Angola
    2. Sierra Leone
    3. Liberia
    4. Afghanistan
  2. Approval for nationals of these countries to enter or transit New Zealand will only be given on the advice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).
  3. Appropriate procedures are in place to facilitate decisions on applications by nationals of the listed countries to enter or transit New Zealand.

Effective 16/04/2002


E2.25 Restrictions on the grant or issue of a visa or permit to... (23/06/2009)

E2.25 Restrictions on the grant or issue of a visa or permit to... (06/04/2009)

E2.25 Restrictions on the grant or issue of a visa or permit to... (20/10/2008)

E2.25 Restrictions on entry to or transit through New Zealand of certain groups (12/01/2006)

E2.25 Restrictions on entry to or transit through New Zealand of certain groups (13/12/2001)

E2.25 Certain groups ineligible because of UN sanctions (26/07/1999)

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