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U7.25 Part-time study (24/03/2003)

U7.25.1 Courses lasting at least 3 years

  1. Foreign students may be granted a variation of conditions to allow both work and study on a part-time basis if they are undertaking a recognised course lasting at least 3 years that requires practical experience to be combined with study.
  2. Example: New Zealand Certificate of Engineering, stages 4 and 5.
  3. Visa and immigration officers must be satisfied that applicants are enrolled in such a course.

U7.25.5 Courses lasting up to 9 months

  1. People outside New Zealand may apply for and be granted a variation of conditions to allow study on a part-time basis for a maximum of 9 months from the date of their arrival in New Zealand, provided that:
    1. they are enrolled in a part-time course certified as one that complies with foreign student policy requirements (see U3.1) and lasts no more than 9 months, and comply with visitor policy requirements (see V2.1).
  2. People already in New Zealand may apply for and be granted a visitor's permit with a variation of conditions to allow study on a part-time basis for the balance of their stay up to a maximum of 9 months from the date of their arrival.
  3. If study is the main reason for the applicant being in New Zealand, immigration officers must decline any application to undertake part-time courses lasting longer than 9 months, unless the officers are satisfied that:
    1. the application has special merit that warrants the application being approved, and
    2. the applicant will comply with the conditions of their permit.
  4. Visa and immigration officers must be satisfied that applicants who wish to undertake part-time courses lasting up to 9 months after their date of arrival:
    1. are enrolled in and have paid the fees for such a course, and
    2. are able to satisfy the standard visitor policy requirements (see V2.1).

Effective 24/03/2003

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