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WG1.5 Policy on duration of general work policy work permits (24/07/2006)
  1. If an applicant meets the requirements for applications based on offers of employment:
    1. in an occupation that is included on the current Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL) or the current Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) (see WG2); or
    2. from employers with approval in principle from NZIS (see WG3); or
    3. from employers making a case that New Zealand workers are not available (see WG4),

    then unless there are any special directions to the contrary, a work permit may be granted for the period for which employment is offered, up to a maximum of 3 years.

  2. There is no limit on how many further work permits may be granted. Further work permits may be granted for the period for which further employment is offered, up to a maximum of 3 years each time, if for each period of employment the applicant still meets the requirements for applications based on offers of employment as set out in WG1.5 (a) above.

    Example: If an applicant gained their existing work permit on the basis of an offer of employment in an occupation on the Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL) or the Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL) in effect at that time then the grant of a further work permit is reliant on an offer of further employment:
    i. being in an occupation on the ISSL or the LTSSL current at the time their application to renew their work permit is made;or
    ii. the unavailability of New Zealand workers being confirmed by a labour market test.

Effective 24/07/2006


WG1.5 Policy on duration of general work policy work permits (19/09/2007)

WG1.5 Policy on duration of general work policy work permits (04/04/2005)

WG1.5 Policy on duration of general work policy work permits (29/04/2002)

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