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WF2.10 Evidential requirements for partners of... (29/09/2003)

WF2.10 Evidential requirements for partners of New Zealand citizens or residents

Visa and immigration officers must sight evidence of the following:

  1. the applicant's partner's New Zealand citizenship or New Zealand residence status; and
    1. their relationship with their New Zealand partner, and
    2. evidence that demonstrates they are living together with that partner in a genuine and stable partnership at the time their application is made. (F2.20 sets out the types of evidence that are required); and
  2. that the New Zealand partner supports the application in writing; and
  3. that the applicant and New Zealand partner are intending to live in New Zealand for the same period of time.
  4. If requested by an immigration or visa officer, applicants must also provide a written declaration from their New Zealand partner confirming:
    1. they are an eligible sponsor, and/or
    2. they comply with the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships (see E4.1.12(b) and F2.15).

Effective 29/09/2003

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