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WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (24/03/2006)
  1. Partners of people issued work visas and work permits (including visas and permits issued and/or granted under Long Term Business Visas Policy and Work to Residence (Skilled Migrant Category) Policy) allowing a stay in New Zealand of more than six months may apply for and be granted a multiple entry work visa and work permit under this policy, unless their partner has been issued with a work visa or granted a work permit under any one of the following policies:
    1. October 2000 Transitional policy (see WI5.35), or
    2. Crew of chartered foreign fishing vessels (see WG6), or
    3. a Working Holiday Scheme (see WI4), or
    4. Pacific Quotas Residual Places Work Permit Policy (see WI6), or
    5. Horticulture and Viticulture Industries Seasonal Work Permit (SWP) Policy - 2006 Pilot (see WG7).
  2. Work visas and work permits will be issued or granted for the same period as the work visa and permit held by the applicant’s partner subject to the generic policy requirements at E4.5 being met.
  3. Applicants under this policy are not required to produce a job offer.
  4. Any work permits granted under this policy may be endorsed with conditions that allow work for any employer.

Effective 24/03/2006


WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (27/07/2009)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (26/11/2007)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (05/11/2007)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (10/04/2007)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (22/12/2005)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (15/12/2003)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (29/09/2003)

WF4.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa or permit (29/04/2002)

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