- This is not current policy -
South Korea (24/07/2006)
Bachelors degrees requiring 4 or more years of full time study from the following institutions are assessed as occupying Level 7 of the Register and will therefore qualify for 50 points.
Masters degrees and PhDs from the following institutions are assessed as occupying Level 9 or 10 of the Register and will therefore qualify for 55 points, provided the holder of the qualification also obtained their undergraduate (Bachelors) degree from an institution included on the List of Recognised Qualifications. If the Masters degree is not preceded by an undergraduate degree from an institution included on the List of Recognised Qualifications it is assessed as occupying Level 7 of the Register and will therefore qualify for 50 points.
- Ajou/A-ju University, Kyonggi-do
- Busan National University (see Pusan National University)
- Catholic University/College, Seoul
- Chonbuk/Jeonbug National University, Chonbuk
- Chongju University, Chungbuk
- Chonnam National University, Kwangju
- Chosun University, Kwangju
- Chung Ang University, Seoul
- Chungbuk National University, Chungbuk
- Chungnam National University, Chungnam
- Dan Kook University, Seoul
- Dong-A University, Pusan
- Dongduck Women’s University, Seoul
- Dongeui University, Pusan
- Dongguk University, Seoul
- Ewha Women’s University, Seoul
- Gyeongsan/Kyongsang National University, Kyongnam
- Hankuk/Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Seoul
- Han Nam University, Taejon
- Hanyang University, Seoul
- Hong-Ik University, Seoul
- Inha University, Incheon
- Jeonbug National University (see Chonbuk National University)
- Kangwon/Kangweon National University, Kangwon-do
- Keimyung/Keimyong/Keimyang University, Daegu/Taegu
- Kongju National University/College, Chungnam
- Konkuk University, Seoul
- Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk
- Korea University, Seoul
- Kyongsang National University (see Gyeongsang National University)
- Kyung Hee University, Seoul
- Kyungpook/Kyungbuk National University, Taegu
- National Fisheries University of Pusan/ Pukyong National University (from July 1996)
- Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Kyungbuk
- Pusan/Busan National University, Pusan
- San Ji University/College, Kangwon
- Seoul National University, Seoul
- Sogang University, Seoul
- Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul
- Soong Sil University, Seoul
- Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul
- Wonkwang University, Chonbuk
- Yeungnam/Yeongnam University, Kyungbuk
- Yonsei University, Seoul
Effective 24/07/2006