BL3.1 Consistency with business proposal under the Long Term Business Category (29/11/2010)
- An application under the Entrepreneur Plus Category will be declined if:
- the business on the basis of which the application is made was established while the principal applicant was holding a work visa granted under the Long Term Business Category; and
- the business is different from a business proposal (including a business proposal subsequently modified with the consent of a business immigration specialist) in respect of which the applicant was granted a work visa.
- Applications under the Entrepreneur Plus Category will also be declined if the principal applicant and any partner or dependent child applied for and was granted welfare assistance under the Social Security Act 1964 while in New Zealand during the currency of their temporary visas (or permits granted under the Immigration Act 1987).
- Notwithstanding (a) above, where an application otherwise meets all requirements for approval, a business immigration specialist may approve the application when they are satisfied that:
- the business that has been established would have met the requirements for a business plan under Long Term Business Category; and
- the applicant has relevant experience for the new business.
Effective 29/11/2010