F6.10 Evidence (29/11/2010)
See also Immigration Act 2009 s 22(5)(g)
See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010, reg 5
The items listed in F6.10.1 to F6.10.25 below are examples of relevant evidence: other documents may also be relevant.
F6.10.1 Evidence of relationship to sponsor
- Evidence of siblings' or adult children's relationship to their sponsor is original or certified copies of:
- birth certificates establishing the relationship of the sponsor to the principal applicant; or
- household registration documents, if these establish the relationship of the sponsor to the principal applicant; or
- evidence of adoption (see R3), which establishes the relationship of the sponsor to the principal applicant.
- Other evidence establishing the relationship of the sponsor to the principal applicant may also be provided.
F6.10.5 Evidence of sponsorship
Evidence is a Sponsorship Form for Residence in New Zealand (INZ 1024) which:
- confirms that the sponsor is an acceptable sponsor (see R4.5); and
- contains the undertakings required (see R4.10).
F6.10.20 Evidence of being 'lawfully and permanently' in a country
- Evidence that a person is lawfully and permanently in a country may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- a passport or passport pages showing identity and a residence class visa
- letters or other documents showing that indefinite residence in another country has been granted
- a passport or passport pages showing identity and nationality
- naturalisation or citizenship certificates.
- If family members do not need permits or visas to live in their country of residence (eg, European Community nationals living in other European Community countries), principal applicants must provide original or certified copies of:
- registration cards or certificates from the local police or municipal authority; or
- confirmation of the family member's or children's residence status from an authoritative source such as a municipal, judicial, police or government authority.
- In the case both (a) and (b) above, evidence must also be provided of actual residence in the country. Evidence may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- correspondence addressed to the applicant
- employment references
- rates demands
- income tax returns
- mortgage documents
- documents showing that household effects have been moved to that country.
F6.10.25 Evidence of offer of employment
- Evidence of an offer of employment is original or certified copies of the following documents:
- a written offer of employment; and
- a detailed job description; and
- a letter from the employer stating whether or not any occupational registration is required by law for the principal applicant to take up the position; and
- an employment agreement entered into by the employer and the principal applicant, stating:
- Additional evidence may include, but is not limited to:
- any information requested by INZ
- the results of any verification undertaken by INZ
- information from the employer or recruitment agency.
Effective 29/11/2010