F3.20 Family requirements (29/11/2010)
- The principal applicant must:
- be the parent of an adult child who is in New Zealand and is a New Zealand citizen or the holder (or deemed to be the holder) of a residence class visa that is not subject to conditions under section 49 of the Immigration Act 2009; and either
- have no dependent children and all of their adult children are lawfully and permanently outside the country in which they, the parents, are lawfully and permanently or
- the centre of gravity of their family is in New Zealand.
F3.20.1 Evidence of relationship of parent(s) to children
- Evidence of a parent's relationship to their children is original or certified copies of:
- birth certificates establishing the relationship of the children to the parent(s); or
- household registration documents, if these establish the relationship of the children to the parent(s); or
- evidence of adoption (see R3), which establishes the relationship of the children to the parents.
- Other evidence establishing the relationship of the children to the parents may also be provided.
F3.20.5 Evidence of immigration status of adult child
- Evidence that the principal applicant's adult child is a New Zealand citizen may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- a valid New Zealand passport
- a Certificate of New Zealand Citizenship
- a recent official statement of citizenship from the Department of Internal Affairs
- a New Zealand birth certificate
- an endorsement in a foreign passport indicating the fact of New Zealand citizenship.
- Evidence that the adult child is a New Zealand residence class visa holder (or is deemed to hold a residence class visa) may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- a New Zealand resident visa or permanent resident visa in their passport or travel document
- a New Zealand residence permit or returning resident's visa granted under the Immigration Act 1987 in their passport or travel document
- a valid Australian passport.
F3.20.10 Evidence of being 'lawfully and permanently' in a country
- Evidence that a person is lawfully and permanently in a country may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- a passport or passport pages showing identity and a residence visa or permit
- letters or other documents showing that indefinite residence in another country has been granted
- a passport or passport pages showing identity and nationality
- naturalisation or citizenship certificates.
- If a person does not need a visa or permit to live in their country of residence (eg, European Community nationals living in other European Community countries), principal applicants must provide original or certified copies of:
- registration cards or certificates from the local police or municipal authority; or
- confirmation of the person's residence status from an authoritative source such as a municipal, judicial, police or government authority.
- Evidence must also be provided of actual residence in the country. Evidence may include but is not limited to original or certified copies of:
- correspondence addressed to the person
- employment references
- rates demands
- income tax returns
- mortgage documents
- documents showing that household effects have been moved to that country.
Effective 29/11/2010