RA7 Special directions
See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 11, 378
- In special circumstances, the Minister (or delegate) may give any immigration officer a special direction in relation to any person, visa or document, or any 2 or more persons, visas or documents where by reason of any specific event, occurrence or unusual circumstance there is a common link between those persons, visas, or documents.
- As the decision to give a special direction is a matter of absolute discretion, no person has the right to apply for a special direction, and if they do so:
- the Minister or appropriate immigration officer is not obliged to consider a purported application for a special direction; and
- whether a purported application is considered or not, the Minister or immigration officer is not obliged to give reasons for any decision on it, other than that section 11 applies; and
- section 23 of the Official Information Act 1982 and section 27 of the Immigration Act 2009 (concerning the right of access to reasons for decisions) do not apply.
Effective 29/11/2010