These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WM3 Long-term engagements (29/11/2010)

  1. Ministers of religion, missionaries and members of religious orders coming to New Zealand to undertake religious work or training within a New Zealand religious community, may be granted work visas and entry permission for the length of their appointment or assignment, up to a maximum of 3 years.
  2. Immigration officers must sight evidence that the supporting body guarantees accommodation, maintenance and repatriation.
  3. If the assignment or appointment is extended, a further visa allowing a maximum stay of 4 years from the date of arrival may be granted, provided that:
    1. the supporting body supports a further stay; and
    2. the supporting arrangements are renewed; and
    3. the applicant continues to meet the standard requirements for a work visa.
  4. Visas granted under these instructions may allow multiple entry for the duration of the visa.

Effective 29/11/2010


WM3 Who is eligible for a work visa under Religious Worker instructions? (30/03/2015)

WM3 Who is eligible for a work visa under Religious Worker instructions? (07/11/2011)

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